Hey there fellow blades. So I don't live in Canada but have always wanted to visit my grandparents lived there a few years and she always talks about how beautiful it was and wanting to go back.. But anyway that's besides the point. I recently read online that in April of this year it's going to be illegal for someone to grow there own canabis plants for medical in Canada?!? That you will have no choice but to buy from stores or wtvr it is they are setting up. That seems ridiculous to me! Sounds like they are just trying to pull as much money as possible out. Any blades from Canada here? What do you guys think? Or am I missing something.. Here is one of the articles I read: http://www.cbc.ca/m/news/#!/content/1.1874219 Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Canadas been getting real greedy lately. They also banned ecigs didn't they? Obviously to sell more taxed cigarettes.
Ya thats fucked I really hope that's not what they end up putting in place in the US.. Not aloud to grow your own plant what kind if shit is that. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
We have our day in court in March, we will get it reversed . I'm not worried...there's a very very real possibility we see legalization in Canada by late-2015, early 2016. Almost every, if not all of the major political parties in Canada have com forth saying they support Cannabis & will legalize it if voted into office (Liberal, NDP, Green party). The Conservatives are the only ones who haven't, and of course they're the ones who run the country.
Completely true. What's worse, they sell shitty weed, and absolutely no chance of concentrates. The liberal party leader is pro legalization though, so it creates an interesting story for next election.
Bah. "Legalization" is prohibition 2.0. Anything looks good compared to the other party. That's how this tripe works. One side plays dumb and the other offers up a highly flawed special interest-laden decriminalization scheme and it sounds golden in comparison. Gotta keep the dogs being wagged about by their tails for the see-saw that is the election cycle.
Part of the issue in Canada is many people licensed under the old system were growing WAY over their limit and diverting to the black market. So the government is taking it away from everybody. There is a chance that a coming court case will at least somewhat reverse this decision, but it is in no way a guranatee. Lots of money is tied up in the new system working well, including people high up in the Liberal party.
What makes you so cofnident, if you don't mind me asking? Conroy has already pusuhed back the date by several months. I'm beginning to suspect he does not have the airtight case he constantly alludes to. I also suspect the Court will create a compromise that allows for /much/ smaller home grows than the MMAR allowed. Something far closer to Washington/Colorado's current limits of ~5 plants. Just my .02 as an observer. I'm interested your thoughts on the matter.
That's what they say about the American states with medical programs too. Whatever lies it takes to rip things away from people is what its gotten to at this point. Follow the media and their polluted message to our own demise.
We'll see? We've already seen what is to come. What is there to see? This is GLOBAL. People need to stop thinking on a nationalistic level. Same big money controls the poltics everywhere.
Except it's not a lie at all to say people abuse the systems. The degree to which absue occurs may be /exagerated/, they may play up the level of abuse, but to say it doesnt happen at all is preposturous. There are numerous reports of people arrested with expried licenses, growing way over their limit, etc. Anyone who has been involved in the medical industry is aware of the degree to which people milk to system. To claim otherwise is the lie.
^This. Unfortunately the perception of mmj is a mixed one. A lot of people are, at the least, skeptical of medical, which shouldnt be the case due to the overwhelming evidence that is medically beneficial but the people that have been heavily involved in mmj give politicians, prohibitionists, and law enforcement plenty of ammo to attack it and to deny that is ignorant.
There are no other alternatives, really. The weed the govt. sends you is not up to standard by any stretch...and if you're physically impaired, you may have to find someone else to obtain your cannabis now. There's going to be a few speakers at the hearing which will make a difference of course. But I mean the whole system is just F'd up here... desperately needs revising
I just want to offer some correction on this point. The Canadian government itself does not supply cannabis under the new MMPR system. There are new companies already emerging (there are 6, and counting, with over 400 applications in process). The cannabis supplied via Health Canada contractor Plant Prarie System in the past was the low-quality pot you refer to, but the medicine already being supplied via current Licenced Producers is of much higher quality. So quality is not an issue. The court case you are referring to is based more on affordability to patients, not quality. (It also has to do with potential compensation t past growers for equipment costs, etc) If Licensed Producers (LP's) are able to provide low-cost cannabis under the MMPR, then the issues with cost are addressed and the court will likely be satisfied. Several LP's are already unveiling plans to attempt to address costs concerns, although they still appear to be approaching price points around $3 a gram, which some still find to be too high. I hope that clears a bit of this up. If there's a point you feel i missed, or made incorrectly, please correct me. Peace and Nugs.