Can you tell me if this is a calcium deficiency?

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Lord Sativa, Sep 16, 2009.

  1. Recently (in the last 3 - 4 days) I've noticed some brown spots appearing on some of the upper fan leaves. I've taken a couple pics. It looks sort of like what I've seen in calcium deficiency pics, but I want some advice. Please advise.

    Also, I just fertilized yesterday because it had been some time since they received nutrients, and this issue was appearing previous. This is only appearing on my two older plants, both of which are actively budding. The younger plants, which don't have flowers yet, have only been flowering for 11 days, while the two older plants with the problem have been flowering for 3 weeks and a month. They're Easy Ryders. It's not over fertilizing, as I only use nutrients every 3rd watering, and had only been using half strength. I can do a pH check a little later, but for now I just want opinion/advice. Thanks. There's another pic of another leaf in my thread located in my sig. Don't think it will let me upload the pic again.

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  2. it could be calcium, id really check the pH - really important. If the pH is off it could be locking something out.
    what nutrients are you using?
    I had a similar problem and my leafs looked like nothing i had seen before. It resembled a micro-nutrient deficiency but a lot of times it is hard to tell just what one it is, and a lot of times its several if the pH is off.
    It also could be a salt build up, if you have never flushed before , i would at least once a month with 3x the amount of water that your container size is.
    my pH was fine and my problem starting get worse, i flushed it with pure RO water, then gave it a complete 1/4 strength fert (make sure your ferts are complete with all the elements needed)
    also i have found the hard way tap water is bad (at least most places) clorine will kill, also there can be an excessive amount of calcium along with a f'ed up pH..
    tap water can also have a high ppm and then added with ferts it can be to much for the plant.
    if your not already, switch to Ro water, flush it, give it verrry light nutrients, and wait 2-5 days to dry out and see if it looks any better, if the pH is good (cant stress this enough you have to get your pH 6.3-6.8 for soil or elements will not be able to be absorbed, pH!, pH!, pH!) and the plant still progresses to be sick, you most likly have a deficiency.

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