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Can you smoke use joint paper?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by RVD420RVD, Nov 5, 2011.

  1. Don't really have any weed in it but I found a paper we smoked yesterday and was wondering If I put that in the bong if it would be beneficial at all haha
  2. it might be a lil rezed up but i dont know if itll get you high probably not but hey one way to find out
  3. A roach WILL work I tried it :)
  4. [quote name='"dembonez"']A roach WILL work I tried it :)[/quote]

    Ya but like I said no weed at all in it
  5. So.. You want to smoke.. paper? haha, alright.
  6. You mean the resin-soaked roach paper correct? Yeah if you smoke a couple of those you get a light buzz, so go for it but you shouldn't have that mentality much.
  7. Just got get some weed?
  8. [quote name='"aaamster88"']Just got get some weed?[/quote]

    O believe me I want to haha not until I get paid. I'm not tripping about it tho. Just hate to waste a good resonated paper
  9. [quote name='"Zoxii"']So.. You want to smoke.. paper? haha, alright.[/quote]

    It's hella resonated my man
  10. make a clip jar, that's what i did. save all of them until it fills a jar half way, and store it for a bit.

    kept me good for weeks without buying.

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