Can you prove God exists?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by meddlehaze, Aug 4, 2011.

  1. Ahh man, I wouldn't call it ignorance. He sounds like a material atheist. Calling him ignorant is not going to bring him any closer to understanding your perspective.
  2. Dear lord...please tell me this isn't real life, and these aren't real adults...
  3. Gotta work with what ya got eey? Please don't pray to my lord like that you heathen!!!!! jk:p

  4. I was just hoping to see that you could substantiate your scientifically unsubstantiated claim.
  5. #65 Glassworks, Aug 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2011
    I just don't get the people who walk into a Religious/Philisophical/Spiritual debate and their argument is


    If your going to try and debate an issue debate it intelligently and keep an open mind to all aspects of the issue.

    EDIT: I have tons of respect for people of all beliefs, be them Theistic, Agnostic, or Atheistic.

    What i don't have respect for is the people who are like URHGHG FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTER

    If you really want that to be the Basis of your argument i can do the same thing about Atheism as they do to Theism.

    Atheism: The belief that there was nothing and nothing happened to nothing and then magically exploded for no reason, creating everything and then a bunch of everything magically rearranged itself for no reason what so ever into self-replicating bits which then turned into dinosaurs.
    Makes perfect sense.

    See, those fucking arguments are stupid and can be made for anything.
  6. #66 DBV, Aug 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2011
    Gotta love the right hemisphere of the brain.. I think once we can evolve back to using it, along with using the left hemisphere (what we've evolved to using in our generations), we can truly use our minds potential. You know how they say we only use 10% of our brains? ;)

    To me:

    Left hemisphere: reason, objective proof
    Right hemisphere: imagination, subjective experience (including altered states of consciousness)

    They both exist, and should be used to there full advantage.
  7. I don't believe in God. I do acknowledge that there are certain miracles that happen. A newborn baby surviving a devastating train derailment, for example. I read that somewhere a few days ago. That's pretty cool. Well done, G-Man. Points off for the Holocaust and Twilight though.
  8. #68 meddlehaze, Aug 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2011
    Yeah, this used to bug me too. Consider the fact that they look at your arguments the same way you look at theirs. To them, you are ignorant. To you, they are ignorant. Calling someone out for their ignorance is entirely futile and I say this from experience on both sides. It's not going to make anyone want to subscribe or even attempt to understand your perspective and beliefs. I know you weren't asking for advice, but I feel we (as humans) would have a more fruitful conversation if we eliminate name-calling from our speech.

    If you truly believe someone is ignorant, out of humility, refrain from calling them out on it. This entails that you may have more knowledge about the specific subject you are discussing which gives you the opportunity to share this knowledge instead of shutting them down with the "ignorant card" ya know? This post is not written out of arrogance and conceit, but experience and hope. I hope this helps you in future discussions, man.
  9. Many have attempted to prove that god is real from a philosophical standpoint. One example is the mathematician Descartes. Basically, he believed that if he put everything that he believes to be true away and the systematically attempted to draw out those things that he could prove existed he would eventually be able to find god.

    The problem results when he can't prove anything to be real except himself (since he has thoughts their must be a root cause of his ideas which proves that he must exist).

    I believe that his and others problems with attempting to find god (that is if it truly exists as I am not convinced but to each their own) is that since we are finite creatures and God is supposedly infinite (omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient), we will never be able to comprehend it. This is because the way we think, express ideas, and understand others ideas is through finite sentences and logic which are not compatible to the infinite concept that is supposedly God.

    However, we are able to have the idea of an infinite being simply because it is the negation of our selves. This leads me to believe that God is simply an idea. Humans are very creative and explore all possiblities untill there are none left. The idea of an infinite god is no exception. It's simply our thirst for knowledge that we have created the idea of god.

    ---This is all my opinion. I believe everyone has the right to believe things that they wish. Viva y deja vivir!
  10. I remember that's how it was in the Chronicles of Narnia series haha. If you didn't believe in Aslan, like the Calormenes for example, then you couldn't see him. Aslan was supposed to be Jesus, I think.

  11. I believe that anyone who does not accept that they could be wrong is ignorant.
  12. Yes, I addressed the fact that God can only prove His existence just as I can only prove I exist or you can only prove you exist for that matter.

    I somewhat agree except I believe we have been graciously given the opportunity to discover He exists, but will never be able to fully comprehend this existence. Just the basics.

    Cool bro, I respect your opinion even though I don't fully agree. Viva y deja vivir
  13. #73 kronman907, Aug 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    There is zero difference between the flying spaghetti monster and god. There both ideas, and both equally crazy
  14. "They" are some silly people.

    And so are the people who believe that's true.
  15. Meddle's statement is true...^^^Only it doesnt just apply with Christianity...

    C.S Lewis was a great writer
  16. #76 kronman907, Aug 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Show me this place then. Where they at. If I can't hear or see then now I really don't see how I can do it when I'm dead.

  17. I disagree. Do you have a problem with that?
  18. The only thing close minded is your inability to see that the Flying Spaghetti Monster is the same as God.

    You willingly participate in a delusion while telling others they're ignorant for seeing the delusion for what it is.

    So conducive to spreading your message of love and faith. :rolleyes:
  19. #79 kronman907, Aug 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    How do you know you have the right religion then? Did you get super lucky and have parents that also prayed to The correct god and got you hooked up as well?
  20. Really? I watched the movie in like 5th or 6th grade. I don't remember it much. It's interesting you bring that up because C.S. Lewis (the author) was a devout Christian. I'm currently reading his work, Mere Christianity. Great book, although I don't agree with a lot of his points.
    And you are entitled to this belief. It doesn't mean you must call the person ignorant, instead enlighten them.:)

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