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Can You Pay a Caregiver to Finnish A Grow for you??

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by weednotcrack, Nov 20, 2009.

  1. So yeah can you?? My sister has a plant she been growing but now that she has to leave the room she was renting and move back with my parents and they don't "allow" her to grow,even though we told them it's legal and we want to save money but they don't care.We live in Cali. and about a hour away from L.A. Can anyone help??
  2. AFAIk you can make someone your primary caregiver (there are forms to fill out) and then they can grow for you. What they do in oregon is large-scale growers will advertise for MMJ patients, the patients sign over most of their grow rights and in exchange for that the grower gives them 1 or 2 oz per month - I havn't heard of anything like that in CA yet but its not unheard of.... You could definitely have a caregiver grow a few plants for you and you would compensate them for their time (with money)

    Might want to talk to grandma gudheni - I think she does that for patients up in shasta
  3. alright cool,will start asking the caregivers at the dispensaries.:)
  4. I didn't know Oregon was known for large-scale collectives. Do they also get compensated? And why is it more popular there than in CA?
  5. We have something kind of similar in Michigan. Except there aren't any large-scale growers. The law in Michigan only allows a caregiver to have 5 patients and he can only grow 12 plants per patient.

    The law is new here and we are still fighting to get it right. Unfortunately a lot of patients are really being ripped off. Most of the caregivers that grow high grade shit charge the patient $400-$500 an oz. Absolutely ripping off patients who aren't familiar with the marijuana culture. It will be interesting to see where things go here in MICH.
  6. That sucks, I know if I were to grow for patients I wouldn't charge over $250/oz.

  7. Yeah. Thankfully, just by sheer luck, I got hooked up with an amazing caregiver who grows incredible stuff. Charges me $200 an oz and gives me free hash and coconut oil extract pills. I got really lucky. I found the guy over the internet lol.
  8. Oregon does this because they don't allow clubs in any meaningful way. I assume they're compensated, not sure by who though

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