Can you actually possess something

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by chronicman00, Feb 4, 2010.

  1. or is it just a mind created lie to make you believe you "own" something?

    think about it before you answer.

    the way i see it its just my mind making up the concept of possession.
  2. But what does it even mean to "own" something? Hmmmmm chronicman? Hmmmmm?

    nah im fuckin around haha.. i just see people questioning questions so i figured id be safe with doin that.. but i dont kno what the fuck youre talkin about cuz :laughing:
  3. I concur.

    Not even the bones beneath your skin or the thoughts in your head.

    No you to own or not-you to be owned.
  4. Yes. I own all of my posessions. I have the title to my vehicle, and reciepts for all big ticket items and firearms. Yes. Property ownership is real. You didn't buy it, therefore you do not claim posession/title to it unless I gift it to you. I purchased these items, so I own them. I can do whatsoever I choose with them. If I want to use my TV as a shotgun derby, I can. but if I use your TV as a shotgun derby, I'll get nailed for vandalism, and wreckless destruction of property. (and probably burglary and tresspass because I would need to gain forcable access to your residence in order to even have access to use your TV as a shotgun derby).
  5. the only thing we possess is our mind and body... it can be influenced by outside sources, but ultimately we decide what to do with it.
  6. #6 chronicman00, Feb 4, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2010
    you gotta think about it really hard man.

    these thoughts can get you in a mushroom or acid-loop

    the concept of possession is on par with the concept of time in my opinion. in the sense that its created by your mind.
  7. By proxy what I own owns me.
  8. Does the government own you because they say what you can and can't put in your body?

    Do the words on the papers own you because they say you are a criminal?
  9. #9 chronicman00, Feb 4, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2010
    the way i see it your "possessions" are objects placed in certain spaces. for example, your mind believes it owns something because the object it is in your hand. or just because something is under your roof doesnt make it yours. the object just happens to be under your roof. your mind tricks you into believing its "yours". objects dont belong to anyone. idk if that makes sense its hard to explain.

    lets say if a kite is stuck on a tree branch, the kite obviously doesnt belong to the tree. but for some reason if its in your hands it belongs to you? idk nigggas its a mindfuck
  10. "There is no such thing as rights- only temporary privileges. If it can be taken away from you, it is not a right."- George Carlin

    I suppose the same is true of possessions... or rights to possession.
  11. hmm another example. when you die, your body doesnt "belong" to you anymore. why? because your mind isnt conscious anymore to perceive this or make itself believe it owns something
  12. Theres no people here to own anything, goofballs. All mind constructs that the consciousness views and experiences.
  13. you mean like a horcrux?
  14. I believe nothing can truly be in your possession. For possession is simply a delusion. When you die your "possessions" are no longer possessions of you. For you are not there to control it. So wouldn't that mean everything we believe to be a possession is actually delusional. We only see them as ours because we are alive and we use them.
  15. word this is what i tried to explain in my last post
  16. Private property is a social convention. It only exists insofar as marriage and love exist: as things in our heads and on paper.

    So private property is enforced by the law and endorsed by your society. Does it make it real just because other people believe in it, too, including the police and the courts?
  17. Just for the sake of babbling on at we go

    Well lets define who the who is thats possessing anything.

    Are you the ego / identity you hold in your mind? Because this is a mental creation = Sorry bob, not real. (try high dosing lsd and see if your 'mental image' dissolves to nothing..but you're still "you", consciousness)

    Are you memories? Sorry Jimbo, not "real' and picture frames saved in the mind

    Are you thoughts or emotions? Not real again, reliant on hardwired brain procedure

    Are you the body you're controlling? Cut off both legs, torso, and both arms, aren't you still 'you', as a being? Technically, you just need the brain to provide sensory input to view - by the consciousness. So you're not the body either..You're above that, you're consciousness, a self aware, awareness on the bodies neural-network..interesting.

    If consciousness can't be seen, is immaterial, and not a physical manifestation of matter (*1) then how can it possibly own anything when it doesn't exist in the physical realm (wtf is the physical realm anyway?) ? It would exist as waves only in 'truth' but can manifest as particle...okay..well what does that mean?

    It means there is no separation, everything is one, and we're believing a lie because we're afraid to give up our ego and the bullshit our mind feeds us because it makes us feel unique, when we should be seeing ourselves every time we look at a tree, at our mother, at our father, at our friend, at yourself -- consciousness manifesting and viewing / experiencing different emotions, thoughts, egos at the same time which creates the illusion of separation, but we are all consciousness...

    I had more to say but thats enough of this for now..

    So who are 'you' ?

    *1 Ala double slit experiment: consciousness / observation in quantum physics collapses the quantum wave functions of possibilities into actualities, or particles. wtf!? Is that not weird as hell to you guys? That's straight up I'm in the middle of an acid trip type weird. The wave doesn't collapse unless a conscious observer intervenes? Uh, ok. So consciousness is the fundamental root of space-time geometry, gives rise to particle matter and is the source of *everything* then in existence (this isn't proven science, my conjecture only). Is that where quantum theory is at because this basically means we're all manifestations of consciousness. Consciousness = God ? I'm not saying you are god, just that you're an expression of..Because by all means nature could be doing all this "with the lights off" if you know what I mean. Theres no reason for 'me' or 'you' to actually be here...this could be all hardwired shit, but here I am. Here you are. Here it is.
  18. [​IMG]
  19. you can only become possessed by your possessions.

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