can we use this method to make SST ?

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by loo2a82, Aug 6, 2019.

  1. i saw this video and i was like wow - by the way no way to say wow using the emoji here :)))

    he sprouted the seeds inside the aloe can you believe that ??

    it s new for me

    waiting for your comments i hope :)
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  2. Pure genius I daresay!
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  3. now the q is : is this way good for SST or since the seeds been sprouted inside the aloe and aloe start ferment after 30 min ??
    cause if this is good and it want harm the plants am gone have to try it
  4. Idk, but aloe is amazing. If you get a live aloe plant, you can actually take clones in the blades.

    Just get a toothpick and poke a hole through the skin near the end of the blade, stick your clone in there, and wait. When you know it’s rooting (leaves standing, new growth) just cut the end off, crush it a bit, and plant it. I did this many times when I didn’t have the cash for a cloning/propagation station.
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  5. The clones rooted in the aloe leaf ?
  6. Exactly. Keep the plant alive and you can get quite a few clones before you have to set it aside to regrow. Sometimes it dries out a bit on the inside, but you can give it a pinch with your fingers to moisten it back up.

    I still have the plants I originally used 5-6 years ago. I always wanted to make a YouTube video about it, but eh, someone else can cash in on it now that I’ve exposed it on the internet LOL.
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  7. Interesting. Do you use a humidity dome when doing this? How do you keep the aloe pieces standing?
    I'm definitely trying this out next time I clone!
    Thanks for sharing!
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  8. I just had some extra cuts sitting in aloe/water (ran out if room in humidity dome) and after sitting in a jar of aloe water for about a week I had roots. I don’t know for sure but if the aloe fermented in the jar over the course of the week didn’t seem to impede root growth. HTHs definitely worth a try. Maybe test in on less valuable plant first like tomato or something.[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

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  9. Thats amazing...There is a aloe drink at my local drugmart. I drank it for about 2 months. Read up on it. All i could find is it saif it was good for you. Didnt say what for. Would it work
  10. Check ingredients/preservatives. I got a jug called fruit of the earth $6 at Walmart. Few guys on Here use it. Haven’t tried it yet because my aloe plants have been producing and you can’t beat fresh. You can buy a plant at grocery store usually about $5-10. That way you have unlimited supply and they’re very easy to grow.

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  11. Nice, was this with fresh aloe or store bought?
  12. Fresh aloe. Couldn’t believe it. Not all of them rooted maybe like 3-8. But I didn’t even have them in the dome rooms been around 45% RH. wonder if I just took ton of cuts and did this inside the dome if it would be affective cloning tech. I stuck one of the rooted stardawgs in a small pot with Notill soil we’ll see if she takes.

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  13. I used a live potted aloe plant. I have like a dozen of them, so I dedicated one large one I used for cloning.

    I just kept them in the shade under my grape vines. Maybe 20% sunlight in the spring. No dome or anything needed. My rh was probably under 60% at the time. It’s around 30% right now and the clones didn’t take. I use a dome indoors for summer cloning.
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  14. Nice! So this is just gel from a fresh aloe blade yes? I'm really surprised it didnt even rot or anything, those roots look white like snow!
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  15. So i'm thinking they make these floral tubes that you fill with water and stick a flower in so it keeps longer, so i searched amazn and found they have these tubes made for taking milkweed cuttings. They come with a rack which is nice. I'm gonna try in a cup first but if it works Imgonna get me these tubes , could make taking cuttings so much easier.
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  16. Yea I’m surprised too! Just RO water and aloe gel from a plant. I ran out of room in the dome so it never made it into a rockwool cube. I just left it there, noticed it wasn’t wilting or anything and when I lifted it up there were white roots. Idk how there is no root rot in stagnant water or at least some brown. I already stuck it in a solo cup with soil.

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  17. Oh so it wasnt straight up aloe, 1/4cup per gallon then?
  18. Didn’t even need an entire gallon so I just filled couple of mason jars halfway with RO and used about 1 Tbs of gel per jar.

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  19. Got it! I'm gonna try that and also with just sticking a cutting into a fillet and leaving it in there.
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