Can someone please help :( Wireless problems

Discussion in 'Silicon (v)Alley' started by Echoes of Floyd, Nov 29, 2011.

  1. #1 Echoes of Floyd, Nov 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 29, 2011
    Hey Blades :wave:

    I'm having a problem right, myself or any of my roomates know how to fix.

    I just got this Dell laptop a couple months back. It's been working terrific, no problems.

    I wake up today, and I can't connext to ANY network, and I know it's not the the routers fault, my roomates can connect to multipy connections. My WiFi button on my keyboard is ON. It's not making any sense to me.

    I ran a diagnose test and the results came back stating the 'Association Test' failed?

    Anyone out there educated in computers and wireless? Any help would be appreciated. Going crazy.
  2. [quote name='"Echoes of Floyd"']Hey Blades :wave:

    I'm having a problem right, myself or any of my roomates know how to fix.

    I just got this Dell laptop a couple months back. It's been working terrific, no problems.

    I wake up today, and I can't connext to ANY network, and I know it's not the the routers fault, my roomates can connect to multipy connections. My WiFi button on my keyboard is ON. It's not making any sense to me.

    I ran a diagnose test and the results came back stating the 'Association Test' failed?

    Anyone out there educated in computers and wireless? Any help would be appreciated.[/quote]

    Unplug the router and modem from the wall and plug both back in. Once both are on again try to connect
  3. [quote name='"davidn420"']

    Unplug the router and modem from the wall and plug both back in. Once both are on again try to connect[/quote]

    Whoops sorry ha
  4. Try this, but leave it unplugged for a good 30 seconds or so. Not 100% sure if you need to, but from what i understand youre trying to clear the cache, and there are capacitors inside that can supply power for a little bit after being unplugged...

    My second piece of advice would be to search it in google (if you havent already)... any issues ive had with my home network has been solved using google hahaha
  5. [quote name='"kanadiankush"']
    Try this, but leave it unplugged for a good 30 seconds or so. Not 100% sure if you need to, but from what i understand youre trying to clear the cache, and there are capacitors inside that can supply power for a little bit after being unplugged...

    My second piece of advice would be to search it in google (if you havent already)... any issues ive had with my home network has been solved using google hahaha[/quote]

    It resets your IP address. I do it when my ps3 won't connect and it works every time
  6. #6 sshouse, Nov 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 29, 2011
    we need more information, can your computer see the network?
    what type of wireless card are you useing?
  7. i don't think it's my router. I can usually connect to 4 differnt networks, cause their all my friends or neighbors.

    None of those 4 will work. When 2 of my friends can connect to all 4 networks sitting right next to me.

    My computer can see all the networks. Just can't connect.

    And works with an ethernet cord plugged in.
  8. ok so the card seems to work.

    what part does it get stuck at. or does it return an error message.
    not the error message from the diagnostic test.

    also, you may just need a driver update, i can help u find the new drivers if you can tell me the manufacturer and/or modle number of the wireless card.
  9. 1 - Reboot
    2 - Disable and re-enable the wireless adapter
    3 - Update the wireless drivers

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