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Can someone help me?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by deoxygenated, Jun 21, 2012.

  1. #1 deoxygenated, Jun 21, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 21, 2012
    First off, let me say I've been self medicating for years for my migraines and my tendon problems, and I really hate taking pills.(I won't even take tylenol)

    I'm looking to move to Oregon, and i read the sticky and it said the qualifications for a mm card were:
    Chronic pain
    Epilepsy and other disorders characterized by seizures
    HIV or AIDS
    Multiple sclerosis and other disorders characterized by muscle spasticity and nausea.
    Other conditions are subject to approval by the Health Division of the Oregon Department of Human Resources.

    My question is, I have a problem with my right achilles tendon, it causes my foot to stick out(and make me walk like a penguin :p) and causes me alot of pain on a daily basis, depending on how active I'am during the day. Sometimes, like If i go for long jogs or play sports with friends for long a long period of time, It's so bad I almost can't walk in the morning. All of my problems have been documented, I had to go to a specialist a couple of times in Dayton, Ohio. Would this qualify as "chronic pain", or could I get a card for this? Thanks for your help guys!:)
  2. Most definitely my friend go get your card and start legal tokin
  3. Yes, that would count as chronic pain, since you have medical records stating the problem you should have no problem getting your card once you move to Oregon.
  4. Thanks for the quick answers guys!

  5. really now....long jogs and long periods of sports play....on your disabling foot problem...hmmmmm.......................yep, conclusion, you're using a lame excuse to get a card.:confused::eek::rolleyes:

    If it was disabling, your ass wouldn't be JOGGING and PLAYING SPORTS for long periods of time...ON YOUR FOOT.:cool:

    Sorry...I smell bullshit in the story...:mad:
  6. #6 deoxygenated, Jun 24, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 24, 2012
    I can tell your reading comprehension isn't very good, allow me to type this again for you. It is my achilles tendon. I'll go more into detail, just for you please actually read it this time. My achilles tendon grew wrong and is too short in my right leg, I have documentation proving this I had to go to a bunch of specialists and have to do exercises everyday to try to make my foot straight. The shortened tendon causes my foot to stick out like in an awkward manor, and it hurts all the time. Depending on how active I'am during the day determines how bad the pain is. The only thing it does to my foot is make it stick out in an awkward manor and make me walk funny, the pain is in my leg, if you even know what an achiles tendon is.

  7. There, bolded for the people who can't read.:smoke:
  8. #8 Asthmatic, Jul 18, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2012
    It is not so much about what causes your pain or how bad the pain is as it is about what the so called safe pain killers do to your health over time. Aspirin can cause sudden death when used as directed. Whether it is a bleeding ulcer, kidney failure or liver failure it is all the same and there are not any choices I know of that don't lead a chronic pain sufferer down that road except opiates or things that pretend to be opiates and that is just trading seats on the Titanic and MMJ. You will find a topical ointment, oil, or tincture made from MMJ and applied to the site of the pain works better than smoking it if you hurt. Not trying to tell you to stop smoking it just suggesting you consider and try direct application to the site of pain. You can do both and no one will look down their nose at you for it. Get your card and try a few different preparations. The ones that have wax in them don't work as well for me and I avoid them but we are all different and some people like them better.

    Your mileage will vary.

    Exercise is important to your health and if pain is limiting your ability to exercise your MD has two reasons to consider this an important issue.
  9. "Sometimes, like If i go for long jogs or play sports with friends for long a long period of time, It's so bad I almost can't walk in the morning"

    I'd say there's a fairly simple way to eliminate that. Anyhow, I'm sure you're on pain meds for it, so just take in your prescription bottles along with your medical records.

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