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Can someone help me out with a logo design?

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by pooch, Feb 16, 2009.

  1. #1 pooch, Feb 16, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 16, 2009
    Hey, I had a someone design a logo for me, its a little too large, and its not loading right anywhere I put it. I am limited on my graphic design usage and would like to improve the design if possible. If someone out there has the time and patience to help me out with that, you'd be my hero. I have a biz site where I want to use it, and need a small banner that shows the whole creative concept. Catch where I am going. If your in the mood, and feeling nice and groovy maybe you could help me. I'd credit your work also on my site. Please message if you would like to help me out. Thank you.

    This is basically the one I am using for a banner now. It needs improvement but its a start.

    If you are not a graphic designer, but just stopped in anyways, please feel free to comment on the logo designs below, I'd like to know what everyone thinks of the designs anyways. Thanks!


    This is is the address to the one that doesn't always show up:


    Image address incase it doesn't show up:

    Second back up image address:

    I'd like to work with this design the most.

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