can someone debunk this myth for me

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by sirwilliam95, Feb 28, 2013.

  1. My friend who has grown a few plants but from what I can tell doesn't know much about growing said if you grow plants close to each other from seed they will all be the same sex when they start to flower. The only reason I'm asking is because I grew 5 plants by eachother and only had 1 damn femal
  2. That's not a myth. I don't think anyone else thinks that. Seeds are going to be male or female and what or who its by won't change it. If that was the case people who plant tons of seeds would only get males or females, not a combo of the 2 :/
  3. the only thing you can do to get a good chance of a female, which you want, is to paper bag the seeds a month before planting with banana peels OR hope you get a hermi plant, and it will pollinate itself and its about 95% sure it's a female, if you get another hermi form that batch of seedsthe chances go up and will keep going up ! and when they start to flower their sex should be well determinded.. and it sucks you had 1 female, should have had more
  4. Yeah my growing conditions were less than stellar so im just gonna wiat to grow inside when I get the chance
  5. T
    Seems ur friend gave u wrong info.Sex of the plant is ginectic and it is determined befor the seed will sprout.
  6. don't debunk a myth with another one....sheesh.

    OP, The sex of your plants is set long before the seed is even harvested off the plant. Sorry for the crummy fem-male ratio:eek:
  7. I think you can smoke banana peels

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