Can one human own another?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by bkadoctaj, Apr 28, 2009.

  1. You might find this question distasteful. Heck, you might be deluding yourself. But can one human own another? If you say no, explain why we need money to do anything at all, and in order to get money we have to follow rules someone else chose for us? If you say yes, does that mean it's right? If it's right, I guess you don't have very much to complain about, do you? Hopefully you don't lose a loved one anytime soon. On the other hand, if it's wrong, why is it happening? If it's wrong, what does that mean? Should you maybe start TELLING IT LIKE IT IS?

  2. In terms of slavery yes it is possible for one human to own another and although it was abolished in the U.S in the late 1800's there is still slavery in other parts of the word, mabye even other parts of the universe. Like planet of the apes shit.

    anyway, its is immoral and fucked up and personally i can't even believe we as people allowed that bullshit to happen in the U.S and just accepted it as everyday life.
  3. Money is the only way to get technology. Remember, technology comes with a price!
  4. We are all owned by society, millions of worker bees doing their duty for their country, because our country is the best, if you can breathe you need to fulfill a task society assigned to you, if you're not able you need to adapt or you will be discarded. I don't blame anyone in particular, but the idea that a modern society needs to be like this to work is foolish. Those were my words of wisdom for today, i'm typing this on a PS3 with a controller, it's a pain in the ass.

  5. Drones... can we escape the hive mentality, or will we go down very soon with the totality of our Wrongful Pretense?
  6. Hippy Voice: "U cant own my mind man, its always gonna be free like a Eagle... or a worm
  7. #7 Budwisesir, Apr 28, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 28, 2009
    I really don't participate with society. I'm much of a loner and a dreamer if you want to call it that. I don't buy into anything that doesn't feel right to me. But to get to the question, in my eyes, yes a human can own another. When you work a job someone 'owns' you, the people in jails are owned by other people. In some cases in relationships people tend to try and control their 'significant' other in extreme ways, sometimes not as extreme

    Why is it happening? Society and media would be my best guess.
    What does it mean? That alot of people are dumb blind fucks.
  8. I'm sure if I went into the right country with enough money I could buy someone. I pay for it, I own it, that's the way I see it.

    I would only be down with the 'owning people' concept if the person had the type of personality that was into that shit. I couldn't own another human being, personally..
  9. Well first off, let's answer this question:
    Can one truly own something?
    I'm typing on this keyboard, however, I do not own it. It has its very own purpose in existence. It is it's own matter as you will.

    As far as humans go, each one of us are our own entity. There is no one or nothing that can take that away from us.

    Someone can control your freedom, your freedom of what you want to do within a given amount of time, sure, but they can never control what goes on within us all.
  10. #10 Deleted member 133001, Apr 28, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2009
    We'll never go down, that's the painful truth.

    We'll keep living on our Wrongful Pretense ad infinitum, because most Americans believe that this truly is the best way, that there is no way America can be more free than right now, even when the government (or, more accurately, society itself) completely regulates what we do with our lives, what we put in our bodies, how we're supposed to dress, how we're supposed to act, what we're supposed to eat, etc.

    I'm not a revolutionary or a hippie or anything, but it's pretty scary that most of the population gladly participates in our hive mentality without questioning anything about it.
  11. You own whatever you pay for. The ideal of a possesionless society is dead, consumerism has overtaken that possibility. Ownership is, in fact a part of our reality because of it. I see what you're saying I think, you can't really 'own' matter, but you can.
    Because you're alone.
  12. I was watching this reality show on TV the other day, where these rich white guys in nice business suits, were holding a lottery, to see who got to pick first from the fresh shipload of incoming bucks...

    It was the NFL lottery draft!

    Isn't an indentured servant, always an indentured servant, even when it pays well?

    I find it interesting that while slave ownership was abolished in the USA, we now have trademark laws that allow us to own the 'Rights' to someone.

    And kids all over the country, grow up with a dream of being 'drafted', so that someone else can say, that they own their rights.

    We call that, 'going pro'.

    That kind of thinking sure does help when they go into the corporate world!

    But no one can be owned, who doesn't agree to be owned, which is the sugarkiss in the poison...they just force you to agree to their pretense, and the party rolls on.
  13. I mean people who identify themselves with being a loner, and then join other people who act/dress/talk the way they do. It's a pretty weird explanation, i'll delete it.
  14. #14 BLAZEDED, Apr 28, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 28, 2009
    I dont believe we can change our reality, he may have bought the keyboard and now its in his possession by law, a man made law that is. If some guy comes and steals it now, he is not breaking laws of reality.
    Can a human own another human? It just depends on how you look at the word 'own', too much, then no, I dont think so.
    But yeah with the concepts of our society and everyday life ideas like possession of matter are pretty hardwired into our brain. A person can be legally owned as a slave or in a relationship. A person still has their individuality and thoughts etc. that are theirs alone... Actually scrap that, I found proof vvv

  15. Look guys, you all know what I'm talking about. Ownership happens. I.e. you're born into a hierarchical system which you must obey or risk very obvious challenges to your life, well-being, or even potentially destruction of things you love and care about. Buddhists in such a system have proposed losing attachment as a solution to this crisis. But they pretend they weren't forced into that mindset... or worse, they pretend it's natural, when we all get that feeling in our gut that it's more than wrong, it's inhuman.

    You're on a cliff overlooking a beautiful beach. How did you get to the trail that climbs up there so you could watch the sunset on magic mushrooms? You had to walk through a ritzy neighborhood of mansions and contracted security (modern feudalism). You passed a car with "Such-and-such Security Company" written all over it, a grumpy looking man in uniform just sitting in the driver's seat, no smile... just sitting there, for hours, all the time guarding against who knows what type of gated-community thief. Then you pass a sign on the way to the trail that winds down through the canyon and up the other side to the top of a cliff overlooking a beautiful beach from hundreds of feet above. The sign tells you to be respectful, don't litter, and be quiet because "the people that live here are nice enough to let you use the trail, RIGHT?" And it ends with the friendly arrogant, passive-aggressive "Thanks for not ripping this sign off!"

    Then you get down the canyon and up the other side, you're just sitting there with your loved one, tripping shrooms and feeling a unity with the beauty of nature. Until you look behind you and see the mansions built into the cliffs. A whole house made of glass, so the owner (a lonely guy I'm sure), can just watch the sunset from any part of his house. You even see his car parked in the glass garage, and it's a nice car. And you know that if he really doesn't like your presence up on his little cliff (public, but you know what that means)... the police fief can take care of you. The contracted police force that divides up this country, just like all countries... loyal only to the government they serve - in short, President Obama and the money-makers. You think, it's probably the people who print the money who are really in control of us all... they make or break the economy. And you know as well as they do you need their money just to live. En español, "pagar para vivir".

    But you know it's not just them. As you see the houses, the mansions... the money encapsulated in a single human being who knows others are starving, dying, and fearful of their governments and corporations with no regard for human life... you know his money is the hand of the government. The whole government and nothing but the government. You know the police would love to prove their state loyalty by arresting you... just for tripping. Just for stepping outside their Matrix ("pregnant womb")... They'd love to do it to you: terminate you. And it goes up to Obama... yes, his wife knows too. She's very smart. Obama's the man who can kill you (it says in the Constitution you know and love) and NOTHING will happen to him. Absolutely nothing. And you know, he's loyal to the state. It's been good to him after all. How about you? You're LOYAL too, aren't you? Wouldn't want to not be, would you? How does "enemy of the state" sound to you? Better than termination?
  16. Oh, jeez dude, are you now blaming Obama for La Jolla?:D

    I like your rant, but the fact of the matter is, that to an imaginative person such as yourself, or any of us really, there exist many ways to redefine what ownership means.

    Exclusivity is both a cause, and an effect, of a system based on greed.

    They use our love against us, to paraphrase John Coffy, in the Green Mile.

    We build them walls to contain their precious possessions, and protect their 'loved' ones ( which means that they have 'unloved' ones ) and in walling themselves in, they become their own jailers.

    And they'll call it a Master Planned community, with golf and a spa, and the slave masters, or those who at least believe themselves to be masters, will move in, and begin to hate everything outside of their own country club/prisons.

    I'd rather have the ability to walk this world and leave no trace, than have the ability to play golf in my front yard.

    Those guys have some huge bills to pay, but me, not so much.:)

    I would plow that golf course up and plant 500 acres of Fruit trees, if it were up to me.

    And by 'fruit trees' I mean Juicy Fruit Trees!:smoking:
  17. #17 Gloom, Apr 28, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 28, 2009
    Am I enslaved?
    Are you? (To the reader)

  18. #18 H2O420, Apr 28, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 28, 2009

    We have a broken hive mentality. If you want to relate to the bees, they work and toil to conribute to the hive, to the queen. Loyalty to the queen. But, the queen just produces workers. Everything the hive does benefits the rest of the hive. Everything we do benefits the 'queen' and only the queen. Living. Working. Spending. Hive mentality isn't the problem, we're just supporting the wrong hive. As you quite clearly described.

    The systems we have built around us didn't come to exist soely by chance, it happens by necessity. Any other humanoid organism subject to evolution would go through the same thing we are now. The more the word is spread, the more the mind is opened, the more we will see change. The more you observe, the more greed, pride, anger, all seem to lose their value. It will either lead to enlightenment or extinction. Though, as I said in another thread, when it comes to evolution death is usually involved.

    I am an enemy of the state simply for having a free mind. An enemy to authority. That's what needs to be changed. Yet under the current scenario, I wouldn't have it any other way.
  19. #19 bkadoctaj, Apr 28, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 28, 2009
    I'm trying to protect what I keep inside.
    All the reasons why I live my life.

    - Tracy Chapman

  20. [ame=]YouTube - Laibach / Volk - America[/ame]


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