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Can MMJ Patients Trade Plants Or Seeds With One Another In California?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by JollyStoner, Apr 9, 2010.

  1. I've been communicating with a fellow MMJ patient online who lives about 30 minutes away and wants to trade some of his Northern Lights seeds for a couple Black Domina clones from my plant. I'm a little worried about whether this is legal or not. Can patients trade plants and/or seeds in California? Could this be a trap? :eek:
  2. ask him its if its legal if hes a cop or w e ur scared about then u should be fine and i doubt hes a cop or w e just do it who cares
  3. Whether it's legal or not, I wouldn't trust some random guy you met online.
  4. Cops do internet stings all the time. They even show fake med papers. No they dont have to admit their cops. That is a strange and dangerous myth. Yes, a cop can they can lie to you. Yes, they can tell you they are a legal patient and show you a fake rec. I dont know about the OP's deal but just so people are clear - cops, especially task forces, watch craigslist and all that for their areas and bust people quite often.

    No it is not legal. You will go to jail and have at a minimum, a helluva a fight on your hands. Not only will they arrest you, they will likely very quickly get a search warrant and go to your house. You can pretty much bank on that.

    Just letting peeps know. I obviously definately dont agree with it.
  5. I would call the doctor on his rec. to verify that he's a legit patient.

  6. If that is true, it sickens me to see the law boys out there still trying to get the legal MJ patients in trouble. It fucking sickens me.
  7. Hm, I haven't heard of any MMJ patients in Cali being busted for trading plants or seeds. Same way they haven't busted any of the collectives or any of the patients going into them for bud/plants. My roommate and I in fact are going to be trading some strains with some other growers, but then again we actually know those people. I don't think you really have to worry about local cops busting you, I'd personally be more worried about the stranger you're meeting. I'd be more worried about somebody following me home from the trade and seeing where my grow is, that probably happens WAY more than local cops busting MMJ growers...
  8. Now that I think about everything, I dont think its worth the risk for some seeds. I think I'll just pass on this deal and just pick up some seeds from a dispensary. I wanted to avoid getting clones because alot of them are turning up with powdery mildew and spider mites. Thanks for the advice guys.

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