Is it finally mature enough to use this real diluted nutes? I use it as a starter but wanna know if big enough
Unless you have completely inhert soil (no nutrients in it) I would wait until you have your first set of true fan leaves, in a couple weeks.
Ya I agree, no way. Make sure you are getting enough light. I would expect that guy to be a bit bigger. That soil should be enough for like a few weeks and a 2' sativa. You didn't say what strain it was.
That bigger little one is off some KL13 I had so I'm not too sure what it is, it would be bigger but that's the one I dropped during transplant and knocked off the entire tap root. So I've been chillin for 10 days until that tap root grew to where it was, it just got that second set of true leaves yesterday so it just regrew that root.. I made a thread about it and pics
The little one is the most recent, I barely germinated on Tuesday or Wednesday.. idk if you guys remember I posted pics of it in paper towel with root enzymes.. well after about 10 fuck ups and 3 successful plants and a bunch of trial and error, I think I got this down about 80% now because that lil guy is just sprouting up! That's the happy frog one.. I'm definitely seeing the difference between the soils already..
And that superthrive actually made my plants look good? This is this morning.. somebody said something about my topped plant not looking healthy and the color wasn't blue enough... I think this is the color he was looking for lmao