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can i still save my weed?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Meeesh, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. ok well long story short my parents found some of my stash, it was about 5 grams. and we talked about it for hours and sat in silence and my parents just made me hand it over and they put it in small container of isopropyl alcohol. can i save it some how or what can i do?
  2. [quote name='"Meeesh"']ok well long story short my parents found some of my stash, it was about 5 grams. and we talked about it for hours and sat in silence and my parents just made me hand it over and they put it in small container of isopropyl alcohol. can i save it some how or what can i do?[/quote]

    Yeah I'm pretty sure you can make it into hash with iso Google iso hash for a recipe

  3. sweet ill look into that, thanks
  4. Just wondering, why'd they put it in alcohol rather than throwing it away, etc..?
  5. They wanted to make him think they were destroying it when they are really making some iso hash?:p
  6. sneaky sneaky parents
  7. I think they wanna make some iso hash later for themselves

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