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Can i smoke??? .)

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by CoverAccount22, Mar 23, 2012.

  1. Ok so I had court today for getting arrested for possession and paraphernalia a few months ago. I live in a college town so they are a little backed up I guess and they couldn't schedule my drug Eval until a month and a week from now. I don't think they would do this but would they bring me in for a "surprise" drug test tomorrow. I just want to know if I can smoke tonight.

    When I was talking to my Probation officer he scheduled my date for may 7 and he was like can you be clean by then and I said I was clean now (which I really am) and he said good. Just throwing that out there.

    Let me know what you guys think.
  2. You could smoke, surprise drug test. lol

    It would be extremely stupid of you though, so there's that. :eek:
  3. Don't risk it man. Jail sucks
  4. starting to see a lot more people using ghost in their username all of a sudden, I like this. Also, if you are cool with possibly failing the drug test, you should smoke. If you want to pass, you shouldn't smoke.
  5. [quote name='"ghostonvacation"']starting to see a lot more people using ghost in their username all of a sudden, I like this. Also, if you are cool with possibly failing the drug test, you should smoke. If you want to pass, you shouldn't smoke.[/quote]

    Haha this was my nickname in hs, I've become really accustomed to it. Really long story behind it involving so much pot lmfao. I like yours quite bit. Where they visiting? Amsterdam I hope :p

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