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Can I pass

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Somebodysomewhere, Apr 24, 2016.

  1. Will I pass my drug test?
    So I was a regular smoker For about about a few months and before then probably pretty occasionally Like every week for a bout 5 months or so but I ve quit for like a week but last night one of my friends wanted to smoke an O and it was on him and I couldn t resist and knowing that I could fake my drug test if need be then I did it but now my drug test is in about two weeks and one day if I stop smoking now and start jogging daily and stuff can I pass my drug test because I feel bad faking it
  2. #2 Jollybud, Apr 24, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2016
    There is always a chance you will not pass but the odds are good that you will pass. Here is my method that is proven. I passed a test doing this.
    1) Run every day. Don't jog I mean full blown 1-3 mile runs....Ok maybe you don't need to be that intense about it but you need to get your whole body to start burning its fat reserves and the best way to do this is to wake up early and run before you eat.
    2) Avoid fatty foods eat healthy
    3) Drink a Kombucha every other day. (This is optional but I read somewhere that it has detoxifying effects so I thought why not)
    4) Stay Hydrated. After you burn the fat holding the cannabinoids you need to get them out of your body and this means pissing. So drink water.
    5) Stop running at least 2 days before your test. Keep drinking water and drink kombucha everyday for 4 days leading up to the test. If you run the last two days then you run the risk of releasing cannabinoids from your fat into your urine. This is just a precaution you should be mostly clean by now if you are relatively fit and have a fast metabolism. But the point of the running up to this point was to get rid of as much of the stored cannabinoid cursors out of your system as possible and if you still have some being released it is counter intuitive.
    6) Don't over do the water the last day. If you dilute your urine too much you may have to take it again or they might test it more. A basic rule of thumb is to drink a ton of water when you wake up and break the seal. You will need to piss at least 2 times before the test. Stop drinking water 2 hours before the test so its not too dilute.
    I passed a test with a week and a half of notice with heavy use. I do have a naturally fast metabolism and I was training for marathons at the time but I feel like this should work for anyone.
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