Can I just snip a bud off my plant?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by TheMysticMan, Jun 11, 2006.

  1. The wait is killing me....ugh.

    Its about 2-3 weeks from harvest I would guess. White hairs 25% brown/red. Dont have any kind of magnification lens available at the moment.

    So, my question is, can I just snip a small one and throw it in the bowl? I know it wont taste well, but will it produce the high?
  2. Have patience. Most of my regrets in this hobby stem from impatience. Every thing in nature has a time, a rythem. I would gro even if i couldn't get hi
  3. Yes, but i wouldnt do that 2-3 weeks from harvest its not going to be very good, give it a week b4 sampling i say.

    Obviously u also have to dry it, u can do that, by oven at low temp or microwave on defrost until its basically dry.

    Patience, my friend patience...harvest time will come. :smoking:
  4. I must confess... I snipped a bud from one of my plants, dropped it in the microwave, rolled it up and smoked it. It was pretty darn good and I could not help myself. Warning, it will catch fire in the microwave so you have to watch it...
  5. [quote name='Toke"N"Chill']I must confess... I snipped a bud from one of my plants, dropped it in the microwave, rolled it up and smoked it. It was pretty darn good and I could not help myself. Warning, it will catch fire in the microwave so you have to watch it...[/quote]

    Wow that would be pretty funny to see.
  6. Yeah, it was a bit startling at first. The small leaves still attached to the bud, just burst into flame and i freaked. However, as soon as I opened the door the flames were gone and the bud smoked really nice. You just have to hit the bud a few seconds at a time. Don't throw it in there and hit the on switch and walk away....:eek:
  7. Wouldnt the flame from the lighter serve the same purpose?
  8. I was not trying to burn it at that time. I was trying to dry it out. Much easier and faster in the microwave than trying to do it with a lighter.
  9. plus all you do to a wet plant is scorch it until it ashes, it won't "burn" like you would normally think it would.
  10. Trust me, I was there... The leaves attached to the bud literally burst into flame and smoked up my kitchen... However, it went out quickly and did not seem to affect the bud.:smoking:
  11. Well, I am trying to be patient, but they look so tasty:) I think if I do snip one I will at least try to dry it for a day or so. If not, the microwave on low defrost sounds like a plan.

    Thanks for the help guys!
  12. [quote name='Toke"N"Chill']I must confess... I snipped a bud from one of my plants, dropped it in the microwave, rolled it up and smoked it. It was pretty darn good and I could not help myself. Warning, it will catch fire in the microwave so you have to watch it...[/quote]

    Person 1 and 2 standing around the microwave waiting for the weed to dry... the weed bursts into flames.

    Person 2: Dude... the microwave just smoked your weed... he fuckin jacked you.
    Person 1: What the fuck? That little bastard!!!!

    Person 1 proceeds to attack the Microwave.

    Person 1: Gimmie my fuckin' weed back bitch!!!!
  13. Amen to that.
  14. i imagined just that when he first told the story. thats fukedup haha
  15. [quote name='Toke"N"Chill']Trust me, I was there... The leaves attached to the bud literally burst into flame and smoked up my kitchen... However, it went out quickly and did not seem to affect the bud.:smoking:[/quote]

    SUPERLOL! Next time make us a movie, genius!

    Good things will come to those who wait!
  16. [quote name='urgr8estfear']SUPERLOL! Next time make us a movie, genius!

    Nice attitude pal... You must be very popular.
  17. I'm sorry dude no foul intentions here.

    Its just that I can image oh-so-well the look on your face when you saw the microwave over smoke your grass for you.

    'Seeing' someone else frying up his weed by accident IS ACTUALLY VERY FUNNY!
  18. I thought it was a funny story as well. That is why I related it when the guy asked about harvesting a bud early. However, I did not appreciate being called a "genious" implying that I am some sort of an idiot. I can assure you that I am not.
  19. By the way, I did mean 'genius" not "genious". I have a good command of the english language, I just can't type....
  20. took a lil nug off my plant while it was still fresh, put it in the bong, and hit it, it smokes u just have to light it a little longer and he said he was high

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