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Can I isowash urine for unmetabolized THC?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by whiteka6, Mar 11, 2012.

  1. How much pee could make enough hash to smoke?
  2. I'd say go for it. The worst thing that happens is you ingest your own urine.
  3. 1 cup=get the fuck outta here with that nasty fuckin bullshit that's dumb
  4. i knew bear grylls was a smoker
  5. Now this is just a bit absurd,

    It would make much more sense to use it as bong water.
  6. Please do it. Please please please I wanna know the result :)
  7. Trolls out in full force today I see.
  8. Its a win/win though

    They need something to do on a Saturday night because they don't have weed,

    I need something interesting to read on Saturday night because I do have weed.
  9. In theory it'd work, but there's probably a lot of waste material that may be alcohol soluble, and you'd end up with a high percentage of undesirable waste in the resulting "Hash" which I think would be quite disgusting, especially to smoke.
  10. Try it and find out. No harm in being innovative. Maybe 10 years from now people will be smoking their piss-hash and thinking "Damn, whiteka6 was a genius."
  11. If someone gave me directions on the best method to do this, I'll try it tomorrow. So hurry up guys and gimme some directions and I'll post tomorrow.
  12. Just start pissing in a large 5 gallon bucket everyday until its full then set it outside. Wait for it to evaporate completely and whatever is left is your final product.

    Simple enough right?
  13. [quote name='"DriftingApart"']Just start pissing in a large 5 gallon bucket everyday until its full then set it outside. Wait for it to evaporate completely and whatever is left is your final product.

    Simple enough right?[/quote]

    O yeah that'll all definitely be just thc. I'd say this is probably your best bet
  14. Just make some jenkem

  15. And then after that put in some iso and let it evaporate? And then we will have a safe smoke? Eh.
  16. Sure, lets go with that.

    You can even use it to top off bowls.
  17. I hate to say it, but I HONESTLY might try this unless someone can think of any health risks

  18. Piss-hash.....

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