Can I get off of this charge?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by swishershmeat, Aug 29, 2009.

  1. Well I was arrested for possesion of marijuana today, I dont feel like typing everything that happened but on the promise to appear to court (I didn't have an ID, and was a passenger in the car) They spelt my last name completely wrong. Same first letter but completely different last name. They said the court will call my house and tell me when my court date is, do I just say that person doesn't live here? LOL
  2. if they say the name completely wrong, then yeah by all means say that person doesnt live there
  3. Thats a fine line. Get a lawyer or call one, alot of lawyers right now will give you info and insite for free.
  4. You should be able to get out of it, just like the advice stated before ask a lawyer the exact thing to say.
    My friend got pulled over and the cop wrote down the wrong street name and he got out of it no problem.

    Good luck man.
  5. If they got your first name correct and a correct phone # your screwed. Kinda like where you put spelt instead of spelled, we know what ya mean though it's not correct. Some cops can't spell very well. Plus the fact they are gonna remember what you looked like. Fuck w/ them and they can charge you w/ giving a fase ID. Then things can get really shitty

    Take the fine or what ever. Lawyers don't come cheap. A couple hundred $ fine or a couple k lawyer bill, and ya still will lose if ya had the smoke on ya.

    Best of luck.
  6. Are you in the US? what state?

    how much were you caught with?

    what exactly did the officer say you were being charged with?

    did he give you a ticket?

    Sounds sketchy to me, I wouldn't be surprised if you never get that call, and the cop is saving your stash for his day off.

    If they do call, man up and pay your fine. It can't be anything serious or you would have been brought in.
  7. #7 ShawnP, Aug 29, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 29, 2009

    According to what information you've been provided and have posted here, you were never charged.

    Some guy with a similar last name and same first name was charged.

    It doesn't matter if the cop recognizes you, his notes, and the charge say it was being laid against someone else.

    YOU personally haven't been summoned to court, until you are you are fine.

    When/if they do call you, explain that you do not have that last name. The person on the phone may try to beat it around the bush, just continue to maintain the the name does not match yours.

    People get off on clerical and technicalaties all the time, consider yourself lucky.
  8. Thanks man thts what im hoping.
    The thing is they have the correct address and phone number and all of that.
  9. I advise seeking out a lawyer that will give you free advice. If it's not a serious charge and you can pay the fine or whatever, do this unless you really can't afford a charge, or another charge, whater you case is. Paying the fine might be cheaper than paying the lawyer, and even with just a public defender, you never know what can happen, you might be able to get off easy.

    Just weigh it out: does this charge really matter? If so, who's the best lawyer for the money?

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