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Can i get medical in NJ? Please help

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Weedology, Jan 31, 2014.

  1. #1 Weedology, Jan 31, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2014
    Long story short my mother doesnt like the fact that its illegal and wants me to get medical because i use it treat my severe anxiety. My anxiety and depression is like no other and makes me vomit stomach acid which ruins my stomach and created holes and stomach ulcers nothing has worked for me but marijuana and i refuse to take strong things like xanax. I need some help i was wondering if they make exceptions. Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  2. Well right now it's pretty hard to get a card in New Jersey just for anxiety/depression. Which is bullshit, but they're really strict about what they give cards out for. And the process to get one is also a headache. They might be introducing a bill for recreational legalization though so we'll see what happens with that. It's inevitable that things will change, the question is when.
  3. [quote name="Tree Of Life" post="19440819" timestamp="1391168903"]Well right now it's pretty hard to get a card in New Jersey just for anxiety/depression. Which is bullshit, but they're really strict about what they give cards out for. And the process to get one is also a headache. They might be introducing a bill for recreational legalization though so we'll see what happens with that. It's inevitable that things will change, the question is when.[/quote]As long as theres a possibility. I mean im kind of dying from this in a way. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  4. [quote name="Tree Of Life" post="19440819" timestamp="1391168903"]Well right now it's pretty hard to get a card in New Jersey just for anxiety/depression. Which is bullshit, but they're really strict about what they give cards out for. And the process to get one is also a headache. They might be introducing a bill for recreational legalization though so we'll see what happens with that. It's inevitable that things will change, the question is when.[/quote]And do i go to a psychiatrist or a family doctor for anxiety/depression for mmj. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  5. Move out of Jersey. Those fuckers are as bad as Delaware. Corrupt fast ass politicians worried about the Feds arresting them... But to addicted to money to say no. And fuck you no matter how it works out!
  6. #6 Weedology, Feb 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2014
    [quote name="fearjar" post="19445367" timestamp="1391229335"]Move out of Jersey. Those fuckers are as bad as Delaware. Corrupt fast ass politicians worried about the Feds arresting them... But to addicted to money to say no. And fuck you no matter how it works out![/quote]If it was that easy. Its okay I think christie might hibernate during the summer because he might lose too many calories from the heat or he'll just have a heart attack.... Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  7. Typical career Politico's brother. Markell is just as bad here. One vendor for the whole state? Yeah, and we'll connected in sure. And that is why I'm moving out. Going to CO later this year hopefully. There are a couple of other legal grow states... But fuck all that dumb shit. You get a card you lose your rights. I'm not gonna do that. Fuck them!
  8. [quote name="fearjar" post="19445418" timestamp="1391229963"]Typical career Politico's brother. Markell is just as bad here. One vendor for the whole state? Yeah, and we'll connected in sure. And that is why I'm moving out. Going to CO later this year hopefully. There are a couple of other legal grow states... But fuck all that dumb shit. You get a card you lose your rights. I'm not gonna do that. Fuck them![/quote]For growing? Yeah i heardSent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  9. With those license plate readers on all the cars around here.,. Ain't worth it! Better to go in front of a jury!
  10. #10 Tree Of Life, Feb 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2014
    You just need to get used to walking around. Just relax and realize it's just walking around and everyone's doing there thing and you do what you're doing. After a few works of doing that you'll be used to it. :hello:
  11. [quote name="Tree Of Life" post="19446574" timestamp="1391258902"]You just need to get used to walking around. Just relax and realize it's just walking around and everyone's doing there thing and you do what you're doing. After a few works of doing that you'll be used to it. :hello:[/quote]Not the answer i was looking for.... Everyones body is different Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  12. #12 DeathMadeTangible, Feb 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2014
    NO, you can not get mmj in NJ for your anxiety, you have no chance with the current rules/laws in your state.
  14. [quote name="DeathMadeTangible" post="19446824" timestamp="1391266148"]Stomach Ulcers are caused by Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) not stress/anxiety/depression/whatever you think they're caused by.[/quote]My doctor said my anxiety causes stress etc which makes my stomach acid break down my stomach as if it were food and makes me puke it up too because too much is being produced. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  15. #15 DeathMadeTangible, Feb 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2014
    There is literally 0% on this planet or any other that YOUR stomach acid is strong enough to break down your stomach. That doesn't even make sense.
    Nobody has the luxury of having too much stomach acid, because that would mean you were ridiculously efficient at digesting food. Something tells me you are not. 
    Because stomach acid is neutralized the SECOND it leaves the stomach. If you had too much stomach acid, that would signal your stomach to pass the Chyme to your small intestine and neutralize the acid, not to kick it back up towards your mouth. That defies biology.
    Your stomach acid is supposed to be highly acidic and your stomach is designed by Mother Nature to handle stuff that's even more acidic than your stomach acid. You said you had ulcers, which means you have a bacterial infection and should take antibiotics. If your doctor hasn't already tested you for Helicobacter Pylori, go find a new doctor (preferably a gastroenterologist or nutritionist) who will be able to help you. Your doctor ain't worth crap. 
    If you wanna read about the digestive system, here's a good link:
  16. #16 Weedology, Feb 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2014
    [quote name="DeathMadeTangible" post="19446962" timestamp="1391268271"]There is literally 0% on this planet or any other that YOUR stomach acid is strong enough to break down your stomach. That doesn't even make sense.Your stomach acid is supposed to be acidic and your stomach is designed by Mother Nature to handle stuff that's even more acidic than your stomach acid. You said you had ulcers, which means you have a bacterial infection and should take antibiotics. If your doctor hasn't already tested you for Helicobacter Pylori, go find a new doctor (preferably a gastroenterologist.)If you wanna read about the digestive system, here's a good link:[/quote]Dude stomach acid can break down metal in a week and i obviously didnt mean it literally? I think im the one living with this condition for the past three years. I've already had surgery for it and everything. This said my stress is aging my system making it look like a 40 year olds system. I went from being a track star to an upset. Im not trying to bullshit here i need something to get me up and running literally. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  17. [quote name="The Band" post="19446975" timestamp="1391268576"]Lol nj doesn't even allow some of the people that actually need it for medical use have it.It's such a mess And long story short. You most likely don't qualify for medical in jersey[/quote]I've heard theyre more lenient about it now. But i guess its worth a shot right? And thanksSent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  18. [quote name="DeathMadeTangible" post="19446962" timestamp="1391268271"]There is literally 0% on this planet or any other that YOUR stomach acid is strong enough to break down your stomach. That doesn't even make sense.Nobody has the luxury of having too much stomach acid, because that would mean you were ridiculously efficient at digesting food. Something tells me you are not. Because stomach acid is neutralized the SECOND it leaves the stomach. If you had too much stomach acid, that would signal your stomach to pass the Chyme to your small intestine and neutralize the acid, not to kick it back up towards your mouth. That defies biology.In fact, what you probably have is not ENOUGH stomach acid. Try drinking a cap-full/spoon-full of ACV (apple cider vinegar) in some water and pour vinegar over your food. Your stomach acid is supposed to be highly acidic and your stomach is designed by Mother Nature to handle stuff that's even more acidic than your stomach acid. You said you had ulcers, which means you have a bacterial infection and should take antibiotics. If your doctor hasn't already tested you for Helicobacter Pylori, go find a new doctor (preferably a gastroenterologist or nutritionist) who will be able to help you. Your doctor ain't worth crap. If you wanna read about the digestive system, here's a good link:[/quote]Okay mr doctor. Thank you for the lesson. Im not going to take advice from a dude who doesnt have a degree researching shit on the web to prove someones wrong about a condition they have. Then if its not stomach acid im puking up wtf is it because its extremely sour and fucking gross. My doctor has won best doctor in her county and other awards. Doubt she'd be lying about my stomach ulcers and holes in my stomach as well as my doctor maleki who is a gastroenterologist who tells me my body is messed up big time. I dont understand what youre trying to prove and why every word i say you take literal. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  19. [quote name="The Band" post="19446991" timestamp="1391268821"]Idk nj has the most confusing and useless laws in the country. So idk I was under the impression that you needed to be clinically ill to get it.What's your condition ?[/quote]Well basically to my understanding i have at this point severe anxiety disorder that makes me vomit and makes my stomach hurt under stress and simple problems. My body reacts differently then others under stress. What i throw up is usually stomach acid which what i understand is produced because of stress? Point is is that i puke for no god damn reason even if i dont think im stressed out. My doctor is done prescribing me pills because i refuse to take zanax. Marijuana has always made me feel good and made my body feel better but i wasnt ever a consistent user till now. Before now i would puke literally every morning and forcing crap to come up such as stomach acid. Long story short marijuana has helped a lot but my mom doesnt appreciate it because its illegal and it frightens me a bit that it is now too. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  20. [quote name="The Band" post="19447043" timestamp="1391269634"]You seem like a candidate you should def check it out. It sucks that there's such a stigma around marijuana but it coming years I think people will see its benefits as more is learned about the plant.[/quote]Thanks man i really appreciate it. I wish i didnt have this condition and could be normal again. Who should i talk to a psychiatrist or family practice or general practice? Im assuming psychiatrist. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum

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