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Can Dispensaries ripp you off a couple of grams? (Noob question)

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by ItalisVital, Apr 7, 2016.

  1. #1 ItalisVital, Apr 7, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2016
    Hi guys! I recently got my MJ Recommendation and Card and bought like my first weed ever. I've smoked some before with friends and stuff but never really bought my own 'till recently when I got my card. I went to a nice dispensary and the staff seemed pretty cool. Bought like 10g of Indica and 7g of sativa and was pretty happy with what I got (this was like 2 weeks ago). I've started watching some youtube clips of people smoking and stumbled upon a clip of a guy weighing his weed. I noticed that 3.5g of what he had was like more than 5g of what I had and started feeling pretty ripped off. I did tell them that this was my first time buying and maybe that's why this happened, But I could actually just be paranoid. I was hoping you guys could tell me if this ever happens, and if so how can I prevent this from happening again. Thank you.
  2. I am a bit confused. How does what he had have anything to do with your purchases? Price the issue?

    Different dispensaries have different quality and prices. Always shop around.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. What I meant to say is that 3.5 g of what he had looked more than 5 g of what I had, my bad.
  4. Buds come in different densities depending on lots of variables, genetics, grow environment, etc. Sometimes one 1/8 will look like a lot more then another. Get a scale. It is the only way to tell
  5. I see. I will purchase a scale right away :).
  6. How do I close this thread? since you pretty much answered my question lol
  7. It will remain for others that may seek answers.
  8. Alright lol
  9. They did not rip you off. It's called density bro. I have seen eights that look like quarters and vice versa.

    Also, you bought medical marijuana which is always high quality and usually very dense. Most good weed is dense.

    Basically 7 grams can look like 3.5.

    Case closed.

    Ps: Buy a scale.
  10. Yeah I'm still learning haha. Thanks.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. No need to close it bro. It may help someone else down the line. Everyone's new at some point

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