Can anything be done with fan leaves?

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by Motis49, Dec 1, 2017.

  1. I had my first grow this season and it was very successful! I have a nice amount of fan leaves stored in a cardboard box in my shed. They have been out there for about a month and a half. Can anything be done with them? Are they useless now due to the amount of time that has gone by? I’ve googled around about it, but this site is where I find the best info. Thanks!

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  2. Plenty of people eat them as salad greens when they’re fresh. Old dried leaves are good for nothing except maybe some brown material in a compost pile.
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  3. juice everything your not using for something else
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  4. So would attempting to make tea or butter out of them be useless? Haha

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  5. Unless it's all the trim and sugar leaves maybe..

    As for the big fan leaves, we eat them in salads or compost that's all
  6. Yeah only if their sugar leaves can you make butter. I don’t know about teas. Like compost teas for plant food? I don’t think it’d be worth anything for that. Better off throwing em in a compost pile.
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  7. You can use fan leaves. They do contain a small amount of cannabinoids.
  8. Roll a Cannabis cigar!
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  9. I like to make budder I swear I get high off leaves.

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