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Can anyone identify a strain or anything about it/what it may be related to? (pic.)

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by TheCokeBaron, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. [​IMG]

    Or whether its indica/sativa? Yes sort of noob at strains and identifying these but i'm always curious on what it may be when I get a new pickup so any help/input will be helpful.
  2. Just a guess but it looks like a hybrid, Indica dominant.
  3. It must be G-13.

  4. haha.. right. does that even exist?
  5. yes G13 exists.. and no theres no way to prove its g13 unless you went to a caregiver or grew it yourself with legit seeds
  6. Theres no real way you can tell what it is . Just some DANK . Smoke some of it for me
  7. Truth.
  8. Of course I can tell it"s G13. Can't everyone? No doubt about it, it's from the G line made by Chrysler. Seriously, there is G13. It is excellent. I have no idea what this is.:devious:. Now are you confused?

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