came to get hiv tested all high

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by KickDrums, Mar 29, 2012.

  1. Im at the VAC fuvk i know what that means... im pretty scared cause i had unprotected vaginal sex once with a chick and dont know if she has aids... i swear i was never this stressed until i came here... i hope im negative.. i got a lil emotional when talking with that dude idk why.. maybe cause i was blown.. now im just waiting to get tested... everyone in here that came to get tested have long faces on... im worried...
  2. This isn't Africa, not everyone has aids lol. Chill out dude, chances are, you're fine. Wear a rubber next time!

  3. Awww yeauuh that feels great man
  4. lol your getting tested just because you had unprotected sex? she must have been dirty or something for you to think she has aids?
  5. Just know that HIV might now show up on tests for up until 6 months after being exposed to it

  6. yea.... WTF? You have sex once with a girl unprotected and you are worried about HIV?
    Shit, I'd be more worried about the regular more common STD's, herpes, HPV, etc etc.

    Or the worst STDs of them all.... a baby
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  7. Calm down dude, no sense in freakin' out until you know. But to be honest, there's a good chance you're not infected. Here's the thing, HIV is a pretty fragile virus. Having sex with an infected person, only give you about a 1/4 chance of infection in general. Men have it a bit better off than women, in rates of transmission too.

    I'm not saying go out and bone unprotected all the time, but don't freak out until you know.
  8. I've had unprotected sex many times and am more concerned of other STDs than HIV lol. Just don't mess with dirty bitches, yeah there's a lot and it IS tempting, but dudes should have some standards.. if you think this hoe had aids then damn man you gotta relax and not mess with the dirty girls.

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