calling all vermicomposting experts

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by mosesnumb, Nov 27, 2012.

  1. I'm looking to start vermicomposting as I've been eating a lot healthier lately, therefore I have scraps which keep getting thrown out, and was wondering if these worms would be good for it. I know everyone says red wigglers or European night crawlers, but this looks to be viable, and when I get overstocked with worms I can unleash them on my lawn and garden, and also use them for fishing.

    Or am I better off to just go the red wiggler route?
  2. Sounds like European Nightcrawlers being called something else.

    ENC and RW are both the same species (family?), both Einsea (?).

    I have and run both. Either will work just fine.

  3. Seems like the right kind but I would search around I have seen this price for double some places.

    and congrats on your bin!

  4. I bought a pound of the red wigglers from that company via amazon...real happy with them.

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