California Appeals Court Strikes Down Medical Marijuana Dispensary Bans

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Tiny Mids Blunt, Jul 7, 2012.

  1. Note: California struck down the BANS on dispensaries. They did not ban dispensaries.

    California Appeals Court Strikes Down Medical Marijuana Dispensary Bans - San Francisco News - The Snitch
  2. that's because dispensaries are not defined in the Health & safety code....there is no definition under law, so what's a dispensary??? How can they ban something that doesn't exist??

  3. While not "defined" in the Health and Safety codes, dispensaries are recognized under California Health and Safety codes (emphasis added):

    It may be helpful for "dispensary" to be defined in the code, but it does not appear to be necessary in order to legislate the operations/locations of dispensaries.

    Imagine if you had to define every term used in every law...?

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