Calif. Iraq War veteran shoots 11-year-old sister

Discussion in 'Politics' started by tflga, Mar 16, 2012.

  1. Police: Girl, war vet dead in murder-suicide - Yahoo! News

    i weep, i weep
  2. Why is this political?

    Perhaps we should let the dead rest and not utilize their tragedy in supporting an ideology.

  3. Military Suicide is at an All-Time High

  4. Ah so his death is an anecdote you can use to support a trend... which has a policy implication?

    I figured as much. I was just hoping that a personal tragedy wasn't invoked to support an argument. I find it lacking in sincere empathy.
  5. #5 xmaspoo, Mar 16, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2012
    I find your fictive moral high-ground to be lacking in empathy.

    Spin it however you want, the article says it all.
  6. Spin it?

    I'm asking you NOT to derive policy implications and respect the dead... and I am spinning it?

    Either "spin" means something very different than I think it does, or it's become an all-purpose dismissal phrase.
  7. Sam, the best way to respect the dead is by learning from our mistakes and preventing these needless accidents from happening more than they need to.

    Why not derive policy from our mourning for fallen citizens? If American lives are not worth changing a senseless ideology, then what is?
  8. Play the victim, that's fine.

    The article is about military suicides, it's not the first nor will it be the last by any means. Learning from our actions is how you respect the dead.

    People are going to determine what they want to about the incident, no amount of above the fray morality will change that. Take the moral compass out of overdrive.
  9. [​IMG]

    Keep on spinning away, you spinning spinster.
  10. Give me a break Spade, I was never intending to use this to spin off of for an argument for the sake of debating US foreign policy. It's simply news I wanted to share with everyone. So many people get the wrong idea about shit on this board

    If anything I'm standing up for this man and his family. I want it to end so they can come home, and stop being forced to spend 1/2 of their lives away across the world.

    I guess you didn't see the part where I put, "I weep, I weep" .. because I literally was on the verge of a tear when reading this article. It's a god damn shame.

    Sorry you took it the wrong way. But god damnit dude, really? give me a break

  11. Respect life. End war.

    This is what immoral wars with no end bring, information must be spread.

    To grieve and plead equally. Whats your problem?

  12. Misdirection.

    If you know anyone in the armed forces, it's a good idea to reach out to them.

    [ame=]Suicide Rampant In Army - YouTube[/ame]
    [ame=]Army generals speak out about their PTSD - YouTube[/ame]
  13. Is it callous to point to Gulag victims as an example of bad policy on the part of the Soviet Union?

    Body counts and personal tragedy are often the result of bad politics, it's not unempathetic to point this out.
  14. PTSD ain't nuttin ta fuck wit.

    This is the only thing that I don't want happening to me if I get sent over there. I'd rather be shot than be fucked in the head.
  15. it means the problem lies within the military itself. as someone above said, we can respect the deceased, but we must also not turn our head to the fact. we must AT LEAST learn something from it. if its happening alot, and is 'statistically'high rite now, maybe we need to fixsomething
    so it can stop.
    'respecting' the dead and then turning your back on them is disrespectful. they may rest in peace, while us alive, fight the wars. in the midst of their memory.

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