I just brought cal mag today I'm abit confused Can i mix it into the water with the nutrients or do i hve to put in seperate lot of water and Water it seperatly ?
Not sure what medium you use, but I mix CM in with either plain water or with my nute solution (Canna Terra) depending on what is due..(once a week for me..soil grow)
Add it to your water 1st, than add your nutes. If you are checking ppm I like to be around 200 with my calmag in. That's .7 scale. Sent from my LG-H812 using Tapatalk
From my understanding I think with coco thy need nutrients every day. Cuz coco doesn't hold, Dont quote me Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I wouldn't mix. I had problems with that. Also the blue ph down will fizzle when mixed together. I am a fox farmer and I don't use much. Maybe a table spoon every 2 weeks Sent from my VK810 4G using Tapatalk
Not too hijack ops there's but can call mag be given as foliar spray? Check out my first grow log: First ever grow: How do the girls look?
I use coco an i use calmag. Add it to every feed included with your nutes. Best to make a resivoir up to feed them so you dont have to fart around mixing nutes everytime you feed the plants Keep your ph at 5.8 as well. I will use calmag as standard in every feed all the way through veg until the 4th/5th week of flower. Give it the full dose as well no half doses