U.S. decision on levee blast expected at 5 p.m. Full article here: U.S. decision on levee blast expected at 5 p.m. | Reuters Who lives near this area? What's up with the flooding? BREAKING NEWS http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/05/03/weather-flooding-explosion-idUSN0226676420110503 .
I live near Chicago, but I know that if the levee breaks, then Cairo wont be flooded, theoretically. I don't know what ended up happening though. Fun fact: it's pronounced KAY-ro for some reason. And yeah, the Missouri guys are pissed.
Sounds like they are going to go along with blowing it...do you really move a bunch of explosives in if you weren't pretty sure you would blow it...
The plan was to blow the Missouri side of the levee. Thousands of acres of land are going to be flooded if this happens. The Missouri Attorney General has since asked for the decision to be repealed. I think they are still talking about what to do. edit: I didn't even read the article lol. apparently they already covered this: "But blowing up the levee would flood more than 100,000 acres of farmland in Missouri."