There are four penny stocks open to the public, the greatest one being in the medical field. Once I get my student loan for next semester I'm buying a couple shares and I'm gona watch my money grow until I retire!! First I need to do some homework on how exactly to manage a stock and do it right. What are your thoughts on this?? How successful do you think the marijuana industry will be??
good luck man. Not gonna say how much I've made off the market but let's just say the range is $200,000-1M. To be honest I don't see MMJ stock doing anything with all the Federal bs going on surrounding the drug.
Might as well Investing in anything (even a high risk investment) is a better idea than trusting tthe banks -yuri
well I read about penny stocks a little, and basically if the stock crashes, you only lose what you put in. You don't go down with them. But I'm such a firm believer in Medical Marijuana that I don't see the market doing too bad. I want to get in on the stock trading early on, so that when it does grow like I know it can, I'll make hella money! lol
Perhaps it was a hyperbole But fact remains that in a bank long the same as throwing money away -yuri
like any other investment you need evaluate the company look at their financial statements (whatever's available). visit their web site, be sure they are doing what you expect them to do. they have a strong leadership team that can actually take the company to the next level. hell, you could even give them a call and ask some questions...
I mean yea having large amounts of money and not investing it in stocks is pretty stupid, but it's also stupid to go all in in the stock market when you have no idea what your doing You don't have to be a expert or anything but you gotta have a basic knowledge at-least that's what financial advisers are for which I suggest the OP contact one
Buy 5,000 shares of HEMP for $0.0395 @close 11-11-14 and some GRNH @ $0.1300 @close today. Banks were closed, but Wall St. wasn't today. Either one gets to $0.35, you've made money.
Nice! I need to do more research, but I wish I'd seen your post yesterday and I probably would have! Like I said, I need to learn how to manage a stock more and I'll definitely get going on this. Like I didn't know you had to go to the bank to buy the shares lol. I know how dumb that sounds, trust me. I know the general idea of buying stocks and shares, I just don't know exactly what to do yet. I'm ready to get started though!
What country are you in? I am in the USA and use one of the online stock/financial sites. Now is definitely the time to get in on this emerging market. These are 10-20 year stocks though. There is a high risk/high reward factor at play here.