buying prescription pills online

Discussion in 'General' started by jeffro34, Sep 21, 2008.

  1. yea i was wondering if anyone here has ordered pills off line and if was succesfull or not and what they got also a site would help too.

    ive just heard so much about kids ordering pills off line so i figured why not try it, help is greatly appreciated
  2. offline or online make up your mind hehehe

    Dr.Phil doesn't stop saying you can get them online :rolleyes:
  3. I'm gunna say thats a big no. A lot of the pills sold online are from mexico and you never know what the fuck they put in them. Just... no.

  4. Just depends how net savvy you are, what pills you are looking for, and how much/many you are willing to pay for. Just be careful of scammers, they're the worst.
  5. Some kid my friend knows through work got 90 pills of xanax for $220 off line and he didnt die yet.
  6. No shit, it takes about 2,500mgs of xanax to kill a person. My ex-girlfriend tried to kill herself with xanax and she was 2,300mgs off, so no worries about killing yourself with benzos.

    It's the cocktails that all you kids are making that are killing ya these days.

  7. As far as online prices go, even including shipping, that is paying a lot. 90 2mg xanax can be had for ~$120-150 if you're ok with generics. Pills from foreign countries aren't dangerous unless they are fakes. Generic xanax from India or Pakistan or Latin America are just as safe as from the US, as long as you're getting the real thing.

    I've never ordered anything myself, but I know people who have and I've done the research myself out of curiosity. There are forums out there that have all the info you need to find a safe and reliable* online pharmacy.

    *Reliable is a relative term in this case. Some of these places break the law by selling to people without a prescription so sometimes they disappear, and sometimes customs will nab your package. There are people on the forums though that have used the same OP for a dozen orders or more and never had a seizure.

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