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Buying papers =D

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Jaemercs, Jun 4, 2009.

  1. Hey guys, I have never bought papers before and I think I might start rolling some joints :hello:and I was wondering what kinds I should buy ? and also because I dont want to look like a idiot at the store do it is this format please!

    What to say to cashier:
    Why you like them:

    Thx guys +rep to any of you that can help me out!:D
  2. Rizla Blue Kingsize
    Rizla Blue Kingsize please boss
    Because they arn't to thin like the silvers and most shops in the UK only stock rizla's
  3. "Gimme a pack of E-Z Wider........One and a halfs Please"

    I don't necessarily like any one paper more than any other. I usually get E-Z Widers because everyone sells them. I have a pack of "Joker's" and I not only never see them in any stores around here, I'm not even sure where I got them from in the first place.

    Hope this helps....

    BTW.....why the anxiety over buying papers?
  4. because i dont want to look like a fool not knowing the name or something along those lines =/ i am stupid for even caring what other people think but i do sadly
  5. Get Top papers. You get a 100 page book so messing up and expirementing isn't a problem.

    "One pack of Top rolling papers."
  6. go in blazed then you wont care :D
  7. hahaha just go in and say "hey can i get a pack of rollin papers?"

    get zig zags
  8. hey guys i have another question.. do they sell transparent rolling papers at gas stations ? or would you have to order them online ?
  9. Buy a pack of the cheapest rolling tobacco and papers and that's what you're going to learn how to roll joints on. No weed in them yet; you'll just roll really shitty joints now that will waste weed. Roll several of those tobacco cigarettes until you feel like you have the hang of it, then try to roll a few with weed. Use that whole pack of papers and tobacco practicing rolling.

    read this:

    I would definitely not buy any transparent papers your first time, because they are harder to roll. Kingsize papers are also harder, simply because they're bigger. As to whether or not your gas station would have them, that really depends. Look online for a head shop near your area; they'll have a much better selection.

    The best papers are the really natural organic ones. I prefer the Raw unbleached organic rice papers. Transparent papers are pretty cool though.

    Good luck :smoking:
  10. If i was in his position, that would probably just make it even worse of an experience. The paranoia would be intense.
  11. #11 Ms.NatureFaerie, Jun 4, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2009
    Just go to a headshop instead of a gas station. They often have clear counters full of different kinds of papers. Just browse around at them and choose any style/flavor/type you want. The names are in plain sight so it's not hard to ask for them. Plus, you can't get any of the fun papers like Juicy Jays, Trips, gas stations.
  12. The best papers in my opinion, are really any brand of Hemp Papers.

    I buy the Joker Pure Hemp Papers. 1 1/2
  13. I use Rizlas or ZigZag Cutcorners, both decent in my opinion
  14. or he can just use weed and then rip up the joint and use the same stuff again
  15. "Give me zig-zags'

    cant go wrong
  16. so just zig zags? nothing else to say ? just "Can i get some zig zags?"
  17. Don't go for the transparent papers. You can't get as good a roll. They run. And they go out more often then a normal paper.

    Really, different parts of the country sell different papers. Just go in and get what looks interesting to you. You can never go horribly wrong with papers of any kind. And if somehow you do, you only spent $1.29 or whatever.

    For J's I will say start learning with 1.25's of some sort (almost every brand makes this size). However, move to 1.5's after you have a pack of rolling under your belt. What I'm saying is experiment and find what your preference is. In fact I've met many smokers just asking the gas station cashier what brand they think I should buy that day. Don't care so much what others think. Hopefully cannabis will enlighten you to this. Enjoy your first hand rolled joint and realize they will get as good as your rolling skill and the times you've practiced.


  18. Orange or white?


    1.5's and White zigzags are good to learn but you might as well start and learn on oranges so you can get the maximum rolling skill down.
  19. #19 Deleted member 184305, Jun 4, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 2, 2018
  20. [​IMG]

    These are most definitely the finest papers I've ever rolled with. They're comparitively expensive, but a real treat. Also, make sure you get KINGSIZE rizzla and not miniature rolling papers.

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