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Buying an O, need your opinion.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by AsthmaticStoner, Nov 23, 2011.

  1. I actually hate getting attention, i just like to persuade people into buying good weed... it's worth it in the long run. That pic above is the worst weed ive smoked this year... it was pretty damn expensive too @ 30/eighth. Sounds like you're judging me just off of what i post... it's a fucking forum buddy. Also... look at your signature... you're obviously the one wanting attention (Superbad gif that shows up in every single one of your posts)
  2. [quote name='"Nadroj"']

    I just like properly grown buds... sorry... just my preference. You can't find mids where i live... and if you do it's some idiot kid that has it and sells it for 50/eighth acting like it's dank shit.

    This is the last mids i got... tasted like shit and didn't get you high... just a slight buzz

    Looks like swag ( from what I can see the pic is small on my iPod ) Anything with brown on it from dead plant matter and shaky is swag . Usually mids here is dank , just picked early or maybe not cured properly ect . not dead and leafy , I'd still smoke swag tho if I had nothing else
  3. Nad. I would much rather smoke dank all the time than mids. But 1) money is a problem, 2) no one can get as much as I want. Now that that's cleared up, will you be willing to finally contribute to my thread?
  4. Buy some herb... living in a medical state does have its perks, you're right about that :cool:
  5. well with shake the thing is it might have a shitload of stems. ive gotten some shake before thats just little kiefy bits of bud, but oher times a mixture of small pieces of bud and stems
  6. [quote name='"benwise"']

    Bottom of the bag.

    Loose trichs falls to the bottom of the bag. You now have all of the loose trichs from the dealers pick up.

    Why are you taking so hard down on to shake?[/quote]

    Cuz I can get an O of shake for $10 dollars... Shake sucks, fuck that
  7. found something good. gonna throw down a little more and get a half of something good tomorrow
  8. I can get some super crystally WhiteWhalePussy for 25/8th.

    Oh, and I can get Poon Juice for like 35/8th.

    I have the best prices ever. Come at me bro.

  9. ITT:

    People measuring their tiny penises.
  10. OK, so I know fellow stoners shouldn't argue like a bunch of pussies, but here goes:

    I understand that you're trying to persuade people into buying good weed, but multiple picture uploads? That to me seems a bit excessive. And that last picture is of the worst weed you've smoked this year? It doesn't even look that bad, just like mids; that's why I said you were attention seeking. Come to England where we don't even have the choice of buying dank over mids; although my dealers are pretty good, it's a case of getting what you're given.

    And that Superbad GIF? It's called a signature. Why do I have it? Because it's damn cool to look at when baked, and hopefully other fellow stoners would appreciate it. If I was using it to seek attention, I'd precede it with "OMFG look at my signature look look!".
  11. My only choice is dank... England growers must not know wtf they are doing haha. Id go to Spain, Portugal, Germany, Netherlands, etc. before i went to England... where weed is legal :smoke: (almost legal in germany... decrimmed)
  12. [quote name='"Nadroj"']

    My only choice is dank... England growers must not know wtf they are doing haha. Id go to Spain, Portugal, Germany, Netherlands, etc. before i went to England... where weed is legal :smoke: (almost legal in germany... decrimmed)[/quote]

    Yea everyone is just gonna get up and leave there life and family because weed is cheaper elsewhere
  13. Im never leaving the northwest (WA, OR, and MT)... only other place you would catch me is in Colorado. :smoke:
  14. You shouldn't be paying $120 for an O of MIDS, thats a joke. That sucks, bud I'd rather get it in bud form than shake.
  15. Get the O, sounds like a good price compared to all the other people in America pay. I'm English btw.
  16. #56 guerilla kid, Nov 24, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2011
    your bragging posting piccies in other peoples thread and how you only pay so much because your in a medical state.

    yet your still spending money for weed when you could grow your own?

    thats foolish.
  17. #57 Nadroj, Nov 24, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2011
    im not growing in my fucking parents house... now that's foolish. Ill smoke under their roof... but i surely wont be growing under it.
  18. Man I've seen you go around every forum and brag about your cost effective ounces of super high quality. Guess what nobody really cares, You live in a MEDICAL state, congratz. Unfortunately for about 85% of us if we are pulled over we get screwed. That is why prices are higher, illegal drugs cost more than legal drugs.
  19. #59 guerilla kid, Nov 24, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2011
    ooh right.

    didn't realize you still lived with mum and dad. :eek:

  20. That doesnt sound like any mids I've smoked, you be thinking of schwag.

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