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Buying 3 ounces

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Flyin_High, Jan 8, 2010.

  1. this is the first time im buying in ounces, so i was wandering if you're usually short 2-4 grams and if that normal. should i complain if it short a few grams? thanks....kinda :smoking:
  2. Well your paying for what your getting. So yes i would just politely comment that your bag is a few grams short. and if your dealer refuses to give the grams. No biggie just inform him that your not going to ever purchase from him again.
  3. Ya just ask him to weigh it out when you get there and if you have your own scale, i would do that to just in case he tared it kinda off.
  4. You shouldn't be superpissed if you loose a G or two but I woulod ask him to scale it. When you're buying that much, usually my dealers, will automatically scale it.
  5. Yea always weigh it out....It is best to bring your own scale and weigh it right after he gives it to you....if you wait too long some dealers might have the snooze you loose mentality.
  6. i don't usually weigh out cos i only ever buy 8ths really... but man if you're buying 3 ounces definitely get that shit weighed out in front of you! :)
  7. If you are short, why the fuck wouldnt you say anything? Do you like getting taken advantage of?
  8. I try to get any amount I buy, half e, 1/8, 1/4,etc weighed in front of me. Nothing wrong with being accurate and paying for what you get. Most dealers should be cool with weighing it in front of you, unless there sketch.
  9. yeah ask em politely to weigh it out and if he gives you any shit talkin about " what you dont trust me?" then tell em your followin the ganja buying procedure by the book cuz your a true profeesional. i always throw in that "ive been buyin weed since '66 so dont give me no shit today youngster"
  10. thanks for the replies guys! i'm going to bring my own scale anyways, i just wasn't sure if things were different when you buy a lot. can't wait to pick it up today!
  11. think about it this way 2-4 grams is like an 8th would you want to just give away an 8th? if it's off let him know and if he is a good dealer he will fix the bag

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