butter crunch lettuce

Discussion in 'Gardening' started by redwud, Apr 23, 2020.

  1. going to try and grow some lettuce using
    kratky method.
    Anyone grow lettuce this way?
    plan to use a 2L jar and a 2inch net pot.
    think that will be big enough for one head?
    trying to fing gallon jars may have to use totes or something.
    how much ferts do you use?
    was going to squirt 1ml cal mag, 1 mil groA+B and maybe a mil of thrive (b1 kelp etc)
    into a 2L jar ph'ed to 6.0 think thats to hot?

    also thinking of trying a hempy patio tomato plant see how it compares to
    soil tomatoes.
    common summer
  2. Theres a guy on youtube that setup like 50 fifty dutch buckets. Basically it filled to like 4" of the bottom and drained to the next and he caught it in the res to recirculate.
  3. Ya i've watched a bunch of them, lots of interesting techniques
    dutch bucket system be cool
  4. Its pretty close to kratky.

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