:( Busted With 4Plants

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by 420.4.LYF, Sep 20, 2009.

  1. So my mom finally found my four plants today.. It was funny cause I was out offroading all day and when i got back i happend to see the chair infront of my closet moved and then i said oh fuck to myself. I quickly took a peek at everything to see if it looked moved/Touched, and i found a few hanging cloth moved so i knew she found it. And this is right after i walked into the door. So i quickly take EVERYTHING appart and hide/Move it all away so i can bring it to my friends place tomorrow. Anyways, She didnt touch or move anything, She didnt even pull out my 3 week old babies.. But afteer i walk into the kitchen, she just said "im mad at you and you know why." I shook my head and told her they were moved/Gone for good, And I told her i already knew she knew and got rida them. Then she told me to jsut get them out of the house and in teh shed outside would be a better place. So i set them out there for now and im gona move them to further prevent problems.
    Anyways, It just sucked and i though id share my exsperience.. Kinda weird..

  2. yeah man thats embarrassing but at least she didnt flip or destroy them
  3. She said move them to the shed? Damn, that's pretty nice compared to the reaction some stoner's parents would have. My mother or my father would start with a baseball bat and seriously consider using a gun. On me first and the plants second.

    But then again growing's nothing compared to what those thugs that killed my Uncle Ben did.
  4. Yeah, she said she was kinds proud cause i actually was trying to make money :D Lmao. And we arnt even white trailer trash either!!
    She first said to grow them BEHIND the shed but i told and explained thats its WAYYY to alte to start in the season! But next summer buess whats gona be growing BEHIND the shed!! Its goood light back there and Plenty of cover.
    Thanks bro,
  5. So let me get this straight.... She's okay with you growing but only if you do it behind your shed where anyone could see it...
  6. Someones gunna smell em behind ur shed.
  7. i think my moms the same way.. i asked if i could grow some plants and she said fuck no, not under my roof.. so i said, looks like im doin an outdoor crop. then she just looked at her book and kept reading.

    but thats not bad i guess. at least she didnt kill you

  8. lmfao! Your brilliant!
  9. for some reason i thought spiderman when i read that.
    then seen your name, haha.
  10. Anyone else think that this was a good thing? I mean, now he doesn't have to hide anything and can grow more plants. Why the gloom face?
  11. Peter Parker. holy shit I'm cracking up.
  12. That sucks bro. Good thing my mother is fucking awesome.

    I force her to look at my babies because I'm so proud of them.
  13. Well the gloomey face cause she was dissapointed i was growing em in her house..And behind my shed there is abunch of BIG trees and a tall fence with a grape vine on the fence. That is also in the back courner of the property so it will work for sure next year as an outdoor crop. But its already getting SUPER cold here so i got her to let me grow inside the shed.

    Im setting up all my stuff tomorrow in there.
    Im pretty sure im gona show off my plants to my mom when there bigger. lmao*
  14. I thought for sure she was going to MURDER me..
    Im going to plant a few plants out back there next year. Way tooo cold to do anything here in idaho right now..
  15. That might be true, (But all my neighbors are old as piss) But id rather have them smell them abck there than in my room... She just dosnt want to possibly loose our house because somehting so small..
  16. I'd advise agianst it bro, don't forget what state ya live in, and the old farts here don't like the young whipper snappers anywho, just cause there old, don't mean they are dumb as rocks. besides why expose your family/mom to this kind of risk? when we have a lot of open land to grow in this state, just keep the grows small (under 20 plants per plot) and you'll do fine.
  17. Yeah thats a good idea.. Ill definantly give a go on some land next summer.. My dad found what was rest of the plants and pulled them today.. Verry sadning. Owell..

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