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Burton Kit

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by loonmtnpark, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. Have any of you guys ever checked out the burton kit? I have the "sandstoner" one and love it. It fits an 8th, lighter, eyedrop's and my tiny chillum/onehitter that I found all in a padded, small, smell-free case that looks like its a money holder or something. Just get one, its awsome.
  2. A what now? Where do you get a 'Burton Kit'?
  3. haha holy shit i thought they were all about snowboards
  4. The Kit | Burton Snowboards

    But i got mine for free with my pants that I bought. Its not spam, i just had this weird urge to tell you guys about this because its awsome and I love it and I felt everyone should know
  5. spam much
  6. I would believe you if this wasn't a new acount. We are stoners not stupid, so please tell your company to spend actual advertising money if they want their product to become popular.
  7. I would rather use a hallowed out can stash holder or just make my own. That thing is no better then any other fabric case which everyone has at their house.
  8. I don't think OP is from Burton Snowboards. They discontinued the Burton 420 Kit.
  9. Whether OP is advertising or not, this is old. This kit has been aroundfor a while
  10. Ouch man, I just thought it was pretty cool... sorry.
  11. I don't think it's discontinued.
    It's cool if your not advertising, but you must see that having this as your first post is well.. You know. Us stoners are very suspicious.
  12. You a cop by any chance?
  13. .................:laughing:
  14. No, but I will need your SS number, address and name. But dont worry, im not a cop :)
  15. i found a green one of these once with a lighter, a little under an eighth in a little burton zip up bag and a nice glass one hitter all zipped up on the ground once, sweet deal. still have it somewhere.

  16. 000-000-0001, 1337 Candycane Lane, Jesus Horatio Christ.

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