burning man

Discussion in 'General' started by Its420sosmoke, Jun 2, 2009.

  1. Hey kind of thinking of going this year whats it like?
  2. heard it is crazy and fun in a good but exhausting way. Bring as much water as possible, make sure you bring some kind of gift you can give to a lot of people, and go with an open mind ;)
  3. What I figured.
  4. It's absolutely amazing. I've gone every year since 2003, and I'm going again this year. You'll make a ton of friends, have access to MANY drugs, and you learn so much from going around to each camp and sharing whatever you brought in exchange for hearing or receiving whatever they brought to share with you. Burning Man is like my yearly regeneration, it puts me in such a good mood for months following it.

    Tickets are going to be EXPENSIVE right now though man.
  5. yeah $300
  6. Sounds like it would be hot.:rolleyes:

  7. It is amazing. Like a physical representation of an acid trip.
  8. Hot isn't the word for it Matt. Haha. And when you're all sweaty and sticky from the heat and one of the dust storms rolls in EVERYTHING just sticks to you.

    It's a blast though
  9. lol I wanna go! you should swing by Oregon and pick me up
  10. What actually is it? I have no idea.
  11. Its a huge festival where you show people your art and trade it for stuff and I dont know if its true but I heard theres no rules inside the festival, just dont kill anyone or damage the land.


    also, its basically a rave. I fuckin love raves
  12. It's a week long event about community, self-expression and learning to be self-reliant. It's basically a huge party in the middle of a desert (Black Rock desert) that turns into a "town" of sorts for a week, where everybody walks around (sometimes naked) and just has an awesome time.

    No cars, no "luxuries," just you, the land, and lots of amazing people
  13. Haha Utah to Oregon, and then Oregon to Nevada would be quite a drive!
  14. Sounds like a really good time!
  15. The theme this year is "Evolution: A Tangled Bank," in case anyone was wondering. Take from that what you will. I'm really psyched about this year
  16. What camp will you be in?
  17. I know, but Im rather entertaining and fun. lol I dream of going to burning man someday
  18. This is actually my first year registering for a camp, every other year I've just walked around, made friends, and kicked it wherever I wanted to kick it for that night or whatever. I'll be in Camp of the Living Dead this year though, along with a few good friends of mine. If you love zombies it'll be the place to be. It was an AWESOME camp last year

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