Buds still smell like hay?

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by Sk8D13, Mar 10, 2012.

  1. SO my buds still smell like hay and are still pretty crispy after 17 days of curing in the jars?

    After harvest they were hung up to dry for 5 days they were pretty crispy when I put them in the jars. I thought some of the moisture would come back as well as the hay smell going away.

    Did I over dry them?
    Thanks in advance!
  2. maybe they dried too fast during those 5 days. meaning the temps were too high. u want to dry as slow as possible especially during 1st 3 days...
  3. Yes. You dried to quick an that's what happens.
  4. That's kinda what I thought.
    Learned a lot this first grow.
    My second grow is already shaping up better than the first.
    Might have make a better area for drying.

    Thanks for the comments.
  5. 5 days would be good but I am betting that the buds are rather loose
  6. Maybe its jus takin a bit for your smell explosion...how much in the jar?

    My first grow no nute water only in ffof yeilded 14g dry under 84w of cfl. Took that 14g over 20 cure days before I had a strong whiff without any hints of hay, then it was sour stank all the way.
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  7. QFT.....

    many many new growers make this mistake..
    Look up the sweat it out process, will gaurd you against this next time..
  8. im guessing you harvested too early
  9. Curing is the most difficult thingfor some people to grasp. Took me a few tries as well. Keep growing. Youll get it! Peace.
  10. Hey thanks for all the comments and suggestions!
    Much appreciated

    Being that it was my first grow I was mainly trying to get an understanding of the entire life cycle of this plant. Which I did I learned a ton from this grow and my second is already shaping up better than the first.

    The Hay smell is starting to go away a bit each day.
    Patience is key I've learned.
  11. It took my buds a while to get rid of the hay smell. Its been over three months since I harvested and now my jars smell super dank when I open them.
  12. lol im going on 2 harvest's ruined so far hope third times a charm 8(
  13. I've been curing for about a month now and getting less hay smell with time. At this point I dont plan on opening my jars again until the middle of May.
  14. Guys... I have dank buds in three weeks as a matter of fact I dont even get the hay smell anymore..

    the key is to not overdry at the beginning, you want them dry enough not to mold but not so dry they get that smell. I hang for 72 hours, then jar them, wait 24 hours then open those jars..
    You may have to let the jars sit open a few hours a day to slowly dry them but the smell and such stay with them this way....;):D
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  15. When u say hang, is that the whole plant or individually trimmed buds?
  16. Greed happened..

  17. Sounds like I let them dry too long.
    First time growing learning experience.

    My second grow already is turning out better than the first.
    Plus I have a better understanding of the plant itself now too.

  18. your only getting a small percent of the smell that you couldve had if you had taken a longer time to dry them , ive never had any of my buds smell like hay lol now someone correct me if im wrong i could be but a hay smell just does not sound appealing to me in the slightest.
  19. Dude the key to not getting the hay smell, is trimming it before you hangit, that hay smell is the dead dried up chlorophyll. If you trim the fan leaves and all the leaves w/o any trichs
    1) your plant will dry faster and reduce the risk of mold and

    2) your buds wont be surrounded by dead nasty chlorphyll and destroy all your flavor and awesomeness you have been working so hard for.
  20. [quote name='"DrLingIsKing"']Dude the key to not getting the hay smell, is trimming it before you hangit, that hay smell is the dead dried up chlorophyll. If you trim the fan leaves and all the leaves w/o any trichs
    1) your plant will dry faster and reduce the risk of mold and

    2) your buds wont be surrounded by dead nasty chlorphyll and destroy all your flavor and awesomeness you have been working so hard for.[/quote]

    I don't agree with this. When I harvested in the summer I trimmed everything before hand and had the hay smell. When I hung the plant with everything on it I had a delicious smell. I've also heard many people confirm this. Do u cut the buds and hang them individually? Or trim on the plant?

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