
Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by REIS, Jan 16, 2013.

  1. #1 REIS, Jan 16, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2013
    Where are all the sentent beings here?
  2. They are everywhere.

    Look outside.

    Hear the birds, the squirrels, maybe even the dogs?

    Even in the city, animals and humans mingle together.

    Being a Buddhist doesn't make you sentient.
  3. I'm looking for blades who are sentient. Most buddhists are sentient. simple.

    I can't speak with a dog. I can only observe.
  4. I think your word definitions are becoming confused.

    Regardless, there are some blades who follow the Dharma.

    There's also a Sangha thread where we discuss our spiritual practices and pursuits.
  5. only u can decide which path to travel
  6. Please explain how I have misused any words. Meh, don't waste the time. What's the matter?

  7. Oh, it's alright. It's not time wasted if you walk away from this learning something.

    Sentience is not synonymous with the ability to communicate, which is what it seems that you're implying.

    Sentient beings are those that are able to perceive and feel, aka subject to most, if not all, of the five aggregates.
  8. I want to speak to beings, but only to those that can speak back. Maybe i'm missing something.

    The subject is budhism.

    Dharma is just one aspect.
  9. Maybe you don't have to speak to any beings at all, rather keep your words to yourself and your mind open, and you can learn through these beings by observing not talking.

  10. An aspect to what?

    As far as my understanding goes, Dharma is the Truth.
  11. Dharma is Dharma, whether you acknowledge it or not. Whatever 'truth' you do acknowledge exists only to your relative perspective.
  12. Where'd I read about relativity, and selfishness, or did I read that in the bible during a dream, shit I think I'm tripping, haha.Well anyways, the lesson is, that the truth can't be relative, otherwise it contradicts itself through the multitudes of opinions. And truth never contradicts. So what is this Dharma? What is the truth then? I believe it to be, to let things be. I think it's action through non-action. I think it's everything at once, the constant, and it's not just the acknowledgement of it, that makes it truth. I think it's also the non-thought of it. To not put it into logic, it's a feeling. It's a sensation, and it's an intuitive feeling/sensation. It's no-thought. It's a logic-emptied mind, it's a mind full of feeling, and sensations. Then the wise thing is to trust your gut after you achieve the full feeling/sensation of it, then all your thoughts from thence on, would be, 'enlightened'?
  13. Well, things have been flowing pretty great for me recently. I've been studying ancient languages, and the way these languages compose their world-views, philosophies, and spiritual systems. I have studied Ancient Hebrew, and have recently been looking into a bit of Sanskrit. The way in which these sounds can be converted to English and Spanish is remarkable.

    It gives the impression of a Universal Language that has existed probably for all time. I have been translating the creation story of Genesis, for instance. I will make the same attempts on the Eastern texts.

    Your name, for instance. "AresKenux." I would translate your name, according to the Old-Language, "When your Heat stops, there is life through death."
  14. You can communicate with a dog or any other lifeform in various ways.

    All communication doesn't happen through words. Most doesn't.
  15. #15 AresKenux, Jan 16, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2013
    Whaaaa! It's funny because I was given this name in a dream, and the angel told me that it means "The war from within, comes from without." Good shit man, keep on!

    Dude this basically inadvertently figures out what I have to do, man, +rep, I haven't felt brotherly love for another brother in a long time man!


    I would give you rep, but it turns out, I got to spread it around a bit, haha. But seriously you have my thanks man, this is the most clarity I've had on a subject in awhile!
  16. The old language?
  17. I'm glad man!! :D
  18. Does this sound about right?

  19. Given my past beliefs and my present interpretation on life, I know now what to do. I should fight with my heart to the death. Dude this solves everything for me, I know the point of it is to surrender, but I can't help but feel excited man. I just know things are going to get worse before they get better for me. It's funny how the name itself goes with the subject, it look's like coincidence, but honestly, I never believed in coincidence.

    And it just so happens to be revealed to me, at this point of time! This proves everything, it proves God to me, it proves my real situation here, it proves even that I was adopted, and my adoptee mother, has been lying to me this whole time. It proves my dreams of the future. It concurs with my will to become stronger mentally and physically even now. Dude, it proves, that I am not delusional, I'm not sure how I can explain this, but I don't think it's coincidence. That when you match up our definitions here, that it would make sense. And I have faith in you brother, I know you take your learning serious, so I know you wouldn't lie about it, but honestly, is there more to it than that? If you translate it again, given what I told you, how would you translate it now? I honestly want to know.
  20. Do not project into the future. That is the Old-Self which the Dream was Telling YOU that it MUST DIe

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