Grasscity - Dab Rig Sale - 50% Discount
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bud prices in ohio

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by bestkeptsecret, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. got a job offer over in ohio near cincinatti(sp?)

    we may may go for it since housing over there seems fairly cheap and its a great job....

    since im gonna hafta shut down my shit i will obviously need to be buying my bud....

    just wondering what kinda prices i might expect if i do find myself out there.

  2. Ohio has good shit at good deals. I live in KY an make my way up north sometimes just for the $350 QPs n shit. N people always be rollin' with some good kush when they come back from Ohio.
  3. REP DAT:hello: O H I O
  4. Reggie usually goes for 100 an oz

    Loud goes for 20 a g

    But I have gotten weed cheaper than both of those so it can vary
  5. booooo same prices as philly. was kinda hopin for cheaper bags since its decrim. in ohio.

    oh well.

    what about zips of some funk? still around 400?
  6. in NE ohio i can get dank zips for 300, and typically prices go 25 50 unless its some kill then itll be 30 60. i can get flame mids for 35 a quarter. i'm happy with it

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