Brushed Aluminum reflector - paint with flat white?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by walnut, Apr 17, 2009.

  1. I built a lamp for some CFLs and used a piece of aluminum for the reflector. My question is, would I be better off to paint it with flat white paint? I see a lot of metallic reflectors on lamps but not many of them have been white which contradicts most all that I've read regarding what you want in a reflector.

    Appreciate any input.
  2. I have successed with going to home depot and getting some mirror temp in they blind and door section. This actually cuts down on the overallheat but very effective,. You can sent up 30 dollars a roll that will complete 2 fifty inches closet grow. If you need some more the of course it will cost more but no chemical out out and very easy to install..the only thing is that you will have to measure and thencut his film dont worry it wiil not effect your room or give a cnhemcial dicharge that will efftect the smell and eventually when you dry and cure you cannot tell any anything. I find this better than painting your walls right as white walls do not reflect and soemtimes will nnot bouch to allow your plants might lite this your growth will possibly mature less...different strokes for differnt people but take a shot and you will see the different in grwith the next time you growor even implement tnis during what stages you are veg or flowering...let me know what you think. alo another key element is allow you plantd proper CO3, I am currently usaging a air purifier that blow directly from my newly installed wall untii i instaalled today, a royal pain in the ass but you have to do what you have to do whenn my temps arnge from 95 degrees, i placed a flan directly pointing towards my closet grow that possess 6 high spectrum light about 4 inches in day 5 lf veg...Now they are still growing without any signs of prolems but I am sure the lower temps will allow them to take off eve more..hope thos hels out and give me a private message if you having any questions or concerns!

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