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Brownies (making the oil)

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by valenson, Jun 6, 2015.

  1. Hey there blades, was wondering about making the weed oil for some pot brownies. Does cooking longer than 45 minutes make a difference? I've heard of people doing up to like 5 hours. Seems like a waste of time to me honestly. What does everyone think?
  2. Longer the better as long as your temps are right.
    Personally I, decarb 20 mins, mix in oil/butter, cook and repeatedly stir for 3-5 hours, strain and let set.  Use as needed.
  3. I decarb and cook for a couple of hours. If I'm using fresh trim I don't decarb and cook for 12-13 hours.
  4. What do you mean decarb?
    Which recipe are you following that doesn't recommend to decarb?
  6. All I seen was you grind it up and simmer it in oil for as long as you can no shorter than 45 mins. Then strain and cook for brownies.
    In my opinion you will get better results if you follow a recipe, paying careful attention to cooking time and temperature.
    Here are a few of the most popular recipes here on GrassCity:


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