Brown leaves turn crispy and fall off.

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by delta420, Aug 9, 2004.

  1. [​IMG]

    Leaves are turning brown and crispy, falling off. Newer leaves are folding underneath eachother. I think it's a magnesium defiency, someone fucking help!?
  2. are u ferting...

    if u are u are feeding her to much.............
  3. How about somemore information? What you feeding that plant. Sure does look like a mg def. but need to know what other things you have been doing to it. Any poo involved here? Have you treated for a mg def. yet? I am new here but Im sure that info is here in these threads. gm714
  4. I had the same problem. I couldn't figure it out. Best of luck. I eventualy just replanted my baby into new soil and it just started doing better.
  5. I haven't feed my plant anything. right before this happened the stem split at the base then a week later i transplanted it into the ground and it only got worse.
  6. Man, if you dont feed it how do you expect it do produce and fruit for you. I would suggest you either go the chemical or organic route. Garden supply or hydro shops will have what you need. A bloom formula. I am surprised it is not dead already if you have not been feeding it. They need fed once every 7-10 days. Good luck, gm714
  7. why in the hell would i fert it if thats whats wrong in the first place
  8. HIGH All, if you think it's magnesium deficiency a ¼ teaspoon of Epsom salts to a gallon of water should fix it.

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