got this at a party ... guy sayed its 750ug and its for 2 people ..... i am gatta take it soon and check out the 24 hour ride ...... hopefully it will be ok ... can anyone share experiences with bromodragonfly or anything ? peace dudes
I look forward to hearing your afterthoughts of it. THough i dont want to say anything, as i think itd be best to not have what i say about it affect your trip.
There was a time when i could get hold of this but I never actually took it, seeing people under the influence looks similar to people on acid with sort of a childish open eyed awe at the open world, it looks like good stuff.
750 ug ?? get ready to FLY TO THE MOON seriously dude, that is a HIGH dosage - be careful bud EDIT: thought we were talking about LSD
nah its not acid .. its bromo .... id be actually ok with a 350ug acid trip .. but a 350 bromo .. i dunno .... but im ganna do it soon
That's pretty high dose... Good luck...I used to fuck with research chemical, but it scares the shit out of me.
i would love love love to get some bdf.... wow, im kinda depressed with myself right now because i want some so bad
d000000d have fune! I tripped for over 18 hours hard when I took thaty stuff thinking it was acid. It was awesome though