Broke my new Vap?? WTF!!!

Discussion in 'General' started by Stellar420, May 12, 2009.

  1. I've hitten a few very nice vaps but never got real high. Everyone else was BLOWN. Not me. SO my friend comes to me suggesting going in on a cheap vap. 1. it was cheap and 2 just something for me to figure out how to hit a vap. So I went in on it. That was like 3 days ago. So far nothing but bad luck has came with it. 1st the bowle broke. It melted the bottom peice and it started leaning. So we unscrewed it- changed bowles. Then it fell off the bed due to my careless drunk and bcause of this, X b/f... knocking the part that heats up. Don't worri- fixed it. BUt after all of that it just didn't seem to hit very good. Instead of the weed being golden brown or some what greeen when I took it out... it was burnt black but not ash. So I thought when everyone left I'd clan it out.

    1st thing I did was smoke a bowl in it. LOL Then Let it cool off. dumped out what was in it and wet a cotton ball and started rubbing the bowl and stem (part that heats up).

    Then I took another cotton ball and dipped it in alachol and put it in the bottom of the plastic part. I took mi sizors and grabbed the ball with them and claned out the plastic shaft part of the vap.

    I was watching vapbros on youtube and the Vid I was watching went off. So I blew hard a few times into the part I was just cleaning and with the same hand I held it in while claning I just laid it down in mi lap- still in hand, and went looking for another vid about vaps.

    I started hearing this crackling noise. I'm wearing a shimmer tank top.. So I thought it was just it rubbing against my shit or something. it isn't very rough so it wouldn't hurt it or anything. I thought maybe i had it truned on and checked. LOL I was sure it wasn't on because i was just claning it like 2 seconds ago. But I didn't look at the part i was cleaning till I found another vid.

    and Long behold it was crack everywhere all the way through. Like.. it wasn't lil scratches outside it.. this was all the way through cracked. So WTF? Does alachol Crack plastic all the sudden?

    So after I flipped out I grabbed some electricual tape and started tapeing. Here is what it looks like.. the long black shaft use to b see through plastic. lol


    But for real.. wtf?

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