yes blades, the day has finally come where i break my first pipe. there i was, smoking in my window, completely happy. i turn to grab my grinder, and i knock my pipe against the wall. i was holding it pretty loose, so it gets knocked fom my hand and tumbles towards the concrete. theres a split second slow down where all i thought was "god....damn it" than time sped back up again and i heard the terrible sound of shattering glass. i went from to to in less than a second.
Did you check your underwear? My brother once broke a 75$ pipe n broke it 7 hours later while we were extremely baked.
What are you toking out of now man? That sucks but it happens, it's something you have to learn to accept.
right now im using the slider from a bong i broke not to far back until i can get a pipe monday. i would say this is karma, but i didnt do anything bad enough to deserve this!
first piece i ever broke was a $70 sherly. i was hammered, walking down a dirt road with my brother while freestyling and it just... slipped.. and then i heard my own heart break.. or maybe it was the glass.. couldnt tell u