Bring on the trolls

Discussion in 'General' started by PositiveAttitudeMachine, Apr 1, 2012.

  1. Come on guys, you should be out in full force today.... Give us some laughs!
  2. I feel like if it's justified, then they don't want to do it.

    Besides, April Fool's, is for fools.
  3. Some dude had a lot of people going that he won the lottery. Was actually pretty funny. People were asking for him to support their moms and to pay off their student loans. Someone finally realized his ticket wasn't in the winning state and that he lived in Canada.
  4. People will believe anything for a couple bucks.
  5. You shoulda seen the thread. people were asking for him to buy them bud, to pay off people they owed money to, to buy them cars, everything. He said he started to feel bad when someone asked him to help his unemployed mom out by sending her $500. I got a good chuckle out of the thread though, everyone was pretty good natured about it.
  6. Poor moderators probably are going to have their hands full today. And trolling is never funny, just annoying. The last of the funny trolls on the internet died out in 2010.

  7. "Back in my day...."
  8. theres two kinds of trolls, the lame and annoying ones are the fucking hilarious ones ie. The guy who had everyone going that he got caught and was headed to jail after his naked parents walked in on him smoking a joint. Even some of the lame ones are funny, just have to have a sense of humor.

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