Breeding outdoor?

Discussion in 'Cannabis Breeding' started by LionInTheJungle, May 6, 2011.

  1. I want to get into breeding my own beans but I only can grow outdoor.

    Would it be possible to isolate and pollinate 1 plant while my other girls are growing in the same area outside?

    When I pollinate my plant and make beans how long does it take pollen to clear and become safe to flower in that area?

    How many times do you need to cross your beans together to get really good beans?

  2. Plant a female and male plant away from the rest of your plants pollen travels by the wind.

    I wouldnt flower in that area until you got rid of the male plant.

    Once you get seeds you will need to grow them out and select the best pheno and breed those then do it over again until you get it the way you want.

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